A Half Year in Northern Michigan

Annie March 7, 2023 Comments2

We moved to Michigan six months ago. It’s hard to believe that much time has passed. I can confidently say I have no regrets. Sure, there have been some really hard moments, struggles, and tears through all this. I miss seeing grandparents weekly. I miss my close friends from home. I miss family. That part will always be hard. We will continue to prioritize visits home and remain very grateful for family and friends that come our way.

The day we said goodbye to my parents was one of the hardest moments during this transition.

With all that being said, we have completely changed our lives. Yes, we have a similar day to day routine as we did before. But we’re doing it in northern Michigan! Sometimes I feel like I’m living in a dream and experience real “pinch me” moments often. I thank God each day how blessed we are to have this opportunity. I also pray to God each day to keep the faith that we’re going on the right path, and this is the life that is meant for us.

Northern Michigan has been calling our hearts for years. We longed for the natural beauty and slower paced life. When things began to line up in late 2021, it started to become a reality. Doubts and fear began to kick in. Ryan and I shared many conversations of the pros and cons. We were comfortable in Toledo. It’s where our deep roots are. We had friends and family close by and a cute little house. Life was really good. But what if God was leading us elsewhere? Was He opening a new door in our lives?

When it feels scary to jump, that is exactly when you jump, otherwise you end up staying in the same place your whole life.”

Below I highlighted some of our favorite memories each season since moving to Michigan. It’s been an incredible six months!

September/End of Summer

We officially moved Labor Day weekend 2022. Summer was still in full swing, but tourist season was coming to an end. The weather last September was perfect. It was difficult to get ourselves into the back to school routine when we still had summer on the brain. The boys swam in the lake, we played at the beach, enjoyed meals outside, caught fish, the list goes on. Even though we missed a good portion of a Michigan summer last year, we still got a pretty good taste, and it was awesome. Northern Michigan summers are high on the list of why we moved up here!

The boys started a brand-new school right away. Thankfully, we were able to attend the open house a few weeks prior. Drew did not seem too nervous on the first day. He was ready to rock and roll! Lucas had a little nervous energy about him but kept his cool. He’s our extrovert so I knew he’d have no problem making friends and adjust rather quickly (which he did). Owen was fine on the first day because he didn’t know what to expect. The second day was ROUGH. And many days after. Owen had never been in any type of childcare setting and preferred his days spent with mom. Six months later, we have come a LONG way. Owen loves school now! We are thankful we found a welcoming school community where all three boys are thriving.

We also had the most epic vacation in NYC last September, but I may save that for a future post.


As September came to an end, there was no doubt the chill in the air and the change in seasons was approaching. Fall in northern Michigan gives summer a run for its money. The colors this year were exceptionally beautiful. They are something that a camera can never capture the way you experience them in person. So, if you haven’t been to northern Michigan in peak color time, I highly recommend. Last fall, we visited farms, picked apples and pumpkins, hiked in the beautiful foliage, watched gorgeous sunsets, and even snuck in a few boat trips. My parents visited and it was wonderful having that quality time with them.

Halloween capped off the autumn season and our first Halloween in Traverse City did not disappoint. The downtown neighborhood felt straight out of a movie with its decorations, fallen leaves, and hustle and bustle of trick or treaters.


Hiking remains our go to activity up here. We love nature and being immersed in the outdoors is a major reason we moved this way. We have our go to trails and love exploring new ones. Hiking is one of the easiest ways to put the screens away and live in the moment. The boys love venturing off path and their curiosity about the natural environment always brings me joy.

Santa’s Cabin in the Woods

Before we knew it, it was the Christmas season! I knew that moving out of state would bring some change to our Christmas traditions. We would miss out on some of the traditions we really enjoyed in Ohio, the biggest being cutting down a real tree at the tree farm. With traveling back to Ohio for Thanksgiving and Christmas, a real tree would not be feasible anymore. Since Matthes Tree Farm was one of our favorite Ohio Christmas traditions (ironically in Michigan), we had to find something up here that would hopefully compare.

December 2021: Our last visit to Matthes Tree Farm

I asked on the Traverse City mom Facebook group about Christmas activities in the area and received many responses recommending the Santa Experience at Pahl’s farm. It ended up being one of our favorite memories so far!

It was the day before Lucas’s birthday when we decided to venture to Pahl’s for the Santa Experience. There was a pretty light snow as dusk approached. First, we purchased our tickets and had some time to kill before the next tractor ride into the woods. Owen especially loved the farm animals. Before long, the hayride was ready for us! We hopped on and enjoyed the ride in a winter wonderland.

Before long, we could see Santa’s cabin! It was nestled right in the middle of the woods with a fire, twinkling lights, and blanket of snow, such a dreamy scene. The boys roasted marshmallows over the fire while we waited our turn to visit Santa.

Finally, it was our turn to go in Santa’s cabin. It smelled of crackling wood burning and fresh pine. Perfection. Santa took a few moments with each boy to talk about the usual things like have they been good and what they would like for Christmas. It did not feel rushed at all. I knew that night this would be a new, beloved Christmas tradition for our family.

Embracing Winter

In all honesty, one of my greatest hesitations about moving up north was the harsh winters. I worried about driving in the snow (I’m getting better), finding enough to do, being snowed in, and even the possibility of SAD. The first major snowstorm hit right before Thanksgiving. It was A LOT of snow. We didn’t get to enjoy it much because we traveled home. The second major snowstorm hit right before Christmas, and we were already in Ohio again.

It wasn’t until January that we really got to experience snow up here. We bundled up for hikes, ice skating, sledding, ice fishing and play at home. The boys LOVE the snow! I do too! I mentioned my love of snow and winter on one of my recent Friday Favorites posts.

When it snows you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels.”

The most memorable experience in the snow so far is snow tubing at Timberlee Hills. It was an absolute blast as it truly felt like a roller coaster in the snow. It’s thrilling to get out of my comfort zone and try something new. Maybe skiing will be next!

We also can’t get enough of the igloos at Hop Lot. We’ve gone three times this winter! It’s easy to reserve your igloo online ahead of time and they provide plenty of space for up to eight people. We play games, enjoy some beverages, and order delicious food. They have fires outside and s’more kits available. It’s very kid friendly and a fun outing for all!

We are now going on four months of snow so I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit ready for spring. I am looking forward to green grass, warmer temperatures, and blooming flowers–especially the cherry blossoms! But until then, we will keep enjoying winter as long as it plans to stick around.

September to now has been an amazing ride and we haven’t even made it to the good part yet-SUMMER! Our family is thriving, and we really are living our best lives right now. Whenever I hear the song “‘Til You Can’t” by Cody Johnson I immediately think of us. Life is too short to wait for the “perfect” time or wonder what could have been. Sometimes you just got to take that leap of faith!

If you got a chance, take it, take it while you got a chance
If you got a dream, chase it, ’cause a dream won’t chase you back”

Cody Johnson, ‘Til You Can’t

2 People reacted on this

  1. This is fantastic Annie, the boys will cherish these memories and what a great ongoing adventure! Miss and love you guys. πŸ’—πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

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