Another Weekend Recap!

Annie June 12, 2023 Comments2

Hello all! Happy Monday! We’ve had a taste of fall the past few days as it’s been quite chilly. I think summer is making a comeback later this week though. Lucas was the only one who went to school today. After dropping him off, I met up with Ryan to take a final look at some campers. I think we have a decision made! It’s been quite a whirlwind looking at all of them and not the easiest decision to make. We’re excited though!

Keep reading if you would like to hear more about what the McCarthy’s were up to this weekend. Thanks for stopping by!


Owen and I had our last one on one day for a while. We went to Veronica Valley where he was very interested in the tadpoles and frogs. Owen tried very hard to catch one but no luck!

Then we headed downtown to grab some gift cards for last minute teacher gifts. We also enjoyed some pretzels from Petosky Pretzel Company. Owen was a big fan of the cheese dip!

I assembled the gift cards/thank you notes in the school parking lot (not last minute at all), and we picked up Drew for his last day of school. I drove Drew and Owen to Ryan’s jobsite because I was headed back to school to help out with the big first grade celebration!

4th grade here we come!

Lucas’s saint of a teacher planned a four-hour party after school for her class. I was pretty busy so did not take many pictures but can share some of the fun with you!

First, we took the kids outside for some play and popsicles. They came inside in groups to set up their blankets and sleeping bags in the library for the movie later. Next up was a scavenger hunt! Each kid had a partner, and they had a list of little toys, candies, and treats to find in the playground area. They had to go in order and the grown-ups checked off each item as they found it.

After the scavenger hunt, we came inside to wash up and eat pizza for dinner. We were pretty busy passing out pizza, carrots, chips, drinks, etc. They sure were hungry!

Once dinner was cleaned up, each mom was put in charge of a table to make homemade slime. I have never made it before and of course it took my table the longest ha-ha. But after adding a little more baking soda, we got it going and the kids LOVED it. I will say, slime is pretty satisfying to play with and MAYBE we will try the recipe at home;)

After our slime fun, it was off to the gym for some games. The kids play a game called “Four Corners” that they clearly have played before and love. We also played “Line Tag” and the moms joined in so of course the kids had a blast with that. It’s basically like tag but you can only walk and have to stay on the court lines.

We ended the evening in the library for the movie and the kiddos enjoyed their goodie bags from the scavenger hunt. I was happy to help out, get to know some of the other moms, and share this special celebration with Lucas. I can’t believe he is almost a second grader! 1 1/2 more days!


Saturday morning started with soccer as usual. Lucas scored two goals! We lost (again) but had fun and that’s all that matters:)

After the game, we grabbed breakfast at 45th Parallel Cafe. The boys suckered Ryan into going to the candy shop next store and they each picked out something small. Owen picked out a dinosaur tin with little candy eggs inside. It is now one of his prized possessions.

Next on the agenda was camper shopping! A few of the dealerships had open houses going on (free food and activities) and we immediately regretted buying breakfast ha-ha. This helped keep the boys entertained while Ryan and I looked at the campers and spoke with the salespeople. We have never owned a camper, so hopefully we make the right choice!

The rest of Saturday was spent catching up on chores and some relaxing. Ryan and I finished watching The Night Agent. The show is kind of corny with subpar acting, but it was an entertaining series with lots of action and suspense.


Our big highlight on Sunday was attending our first Traverse City Pit Spitters game! The boys’ school participated in a reading challenge and those who completed it scored some free tickets to last night’s game. The weather was not ideal, but we made the most of it. Funny story: I told Ryan he was not dressed warm enough and he assured me that it’s summer and he would be just fine. Guess who ended up buying a hoodie?!

The stadium has a house like design with a small neighborhood feel. It felt like attending a Toledo Mud Hens game just on a much smaller scale. They had DJ announcers in between innings hosting fun games and music playing which Drew loved.

Of course, we ordered concessions, and the French fries were exceptionally good! The boys ended up having hot dogs (came with the tickets), soft pretzel, French fries, cotton candy, and boneless wings. We clearly love a good concession stand ha-ha.

They were excited to see their friends and thought it was pretty cool that the school principal was sitting in front of us. We watched about six innings of the game then headed around the outfield toward the play area. You can purchase a non-seat ticket and bring your own blanket/chairs to the outfield which I thought was pretty cool.

Overall, I loved the vibe, and it was very family friendly. The Pit Spitters ended up winning and we will definitely be back!


2 People reacted on this

  1. It’s hard to believe their school year is ending!
    Yea for Lucas & his scoring!
    Nothing like a baseball game with hungry kiddos!

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