Bulldog Berries

Annie July 26, 2023 Comments1

Hi there! I am checking in midweek to share about our blueberry picking outing yesterday. I have been wanting to pick fruit with the boys this summer and we finally made it happen! Blueberries don’t last long in our house so I knew they would be excited to pick their own!

Bulldog Berries U-Pick farm is a short drive from our cottage, so I am surprised we have never been. We found it easily, and the boys were excited when they saw the sign out front with the bulldog picture. I wanted to snap a picture, but it was pretty close to the busy road. We walked toward the cute little barn to check in, and the boys noticed a bulldog garden statue they wanted to “pet”. We looked at the map for a minute, then headed inside. I snapped a picture of the ceiling because I thought it was so pretty!

The young girl told us to grab a bucket and we would pay after picking. Easy enough and we headed out to the blueberry bushes! I explained to the boys which ones were best for picking and which ones were not ready yet. They caught on quickly, and before long our bucket was beginning to fill up.

Lucas picked the most out the three and was really into it. Drew and Owen preferred to eat them, so I had to keep giving them gentle reminders we were there to pick not eat ha-ha. I couldn’t blame them though; I was struggling to resist myself. They were so darn tasty!

We took our time in the field, snapping pictures, tasting a few (or many), and simply enjoying the picturesque setting as there weren’t too many people around. Not surprisingly, these were the best blueberries I have ever tasted! We have never picked blueberries before, and this will not be the last time.

There was also a small animal enclosure with sheep and alpacas that Owen especially enjoyed.

I thought maybe the boys would get bored with it quickly, but they thoroughly enjoyed finding the best bushes and picking as many as they could. Lucas shouted out that he found “the motherload!” which made me laugh. Drew got the hang of it too and would gently pick off one blueberry at a time. Owen kept sneaking them in his mouth ha-ha.

After about an hour, the boys were ready to check out and we ended up filling our bucket about 3/4 full amounting to 4 1/2 pounds of blueberries! I told the boys we would make some blueberry pancakes the next day. I think knowing the blueberries were ones they picked themselves made them extra tasty!

On the way home they kept saying how much fun they had picking blueberries. At prayer time last night, they were thankful for blueberry picking. I cherish these simple outings in my heart so much.


1 people reacted on this

  1. I want blueberries too! My favorite fruit to have especially in the morning!
    I’m sure they don’t compare to what we get at the grocery store.
    What a fun time!

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