Easter Weekend

Annie April 10, 2023 Comments0

Hello and Happy Easter! I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend. We sure did! Here’s a recap for you! Thanks for reading:)

Good Friday

It’s always nice to have a morning off from the school routine. I woke up a little early to work out and still had some time to read in quiet before the boys woke up. We enjoyed a lazy morning until I had to take Owen to a doctor appointment. After that, we headed to Ryan’s new jobsite. The boys had fun looking at the construction equipment and exploring the woods nearby.

It was a nice, sunny day so I took the boys to Greilickville Harbor Park after we left the jobsite. This is one of my favorite parks because it has both the beach and playground. I know we will spend a lot of time there this summer!

The rest of the day was spent baking some Easter bunny cookies and doing lots of spring yard work outside. All the boys helped with raking leaves. It was the first step to “springify” our yard and I’m looking forward to more! Planting flowers, hanging ferns, string lights, outdoor furniture…I’m so ready!

Holy Saturday

We woke up Saturday morning to SNOW! Mother Nature sure likes to have her fun this time of year. It was pretty, but I was glad it didn’t stick around!

For breakfast, I made a big ole pile of pancakes. We covered them with the maple syrup we made last week. Delicious! The Super Mario Bros. movie was on the agenda for the afternoon. We loved it! It was a wholesome, entertaining family movie. The boys laughed a lot and the whole theater clapped at the end. All the nostalgia was there for mom and dad. Our house keeps bursting into the “Peaches” song ha-ha. Here’s a Mario Brothers Halloween throwback from 2021!

After we left the theater, it turned out to be a sunny afternoon. The snow was gone! The boys played outside for a bit, and then we dyed some Easter eggs. In the past, it hasn’t been my most favorite tradition (so messy), but I genuinely enjoyed it the other day. I think I am cherishing these holiday traditions more as the boys get older because I know they will look different as the years go on.

Saturday ended with a beautiful, orange sunset. A perfect reminder of Jesus’s unconditional love and sacrifice.

Easter Sunday

The boys woke up extra excited on Suday morning. The Easter bunny came!

After they opened their goodies, we enjoyed a delicious brunch of egg bake, cinnamon rolls, and fruit. Then it was off to church!

After Mass, we let the boys burn off their stored church energy at the playground. It was an absolute gorgeous afternoon. Almost seventy degrees!

The rest of Easter Sunday was spent at home. The boys had some fun hunting for Easter eggs! Owen was especially enthusiastic about it, and I wish I could freeze him at this age.

Ryan also took Andrew and Lucas out for the first kayak ride of the year!

Steak was on the menu for dinner and Owen was daddy’s little helper. It was a lovely Easter weekend!

He is risen!


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