Father’s Day Weekend 2023

Annie June 19, 2023 Comments4

Hello! I hope you enjoyed a great weekend! We spent time yesterday celebrating the special guy in our family (and missing our Ohio dads a whole bunch!). Today’s post covers not only yesterday but the whole weekend. As always, thanks for stopping by!


After fall like weather last week, we were thankful summer returned on Friday. I had some books to pick up at the library so I decided to make a trip of it with the boys. We spent over two hours there playing both inside and outside. The inside play area has a large ship and lighthouse structures. Drew loves the play kitchen (if you look closely, you can see him in the picture below). Lucas really wanted to check out the second book of the Dragon Masters series so luckily they had it. Owen loves the large selection of animal puppets they have to play with.

The outdoor area has a garden with a walking path. The boys especially loved looking at the pond trying to find fish. They also had fun playing in the wooden train.

I signed them up for Summer Library Challenge and they earned some cool t-shirts as their first reward. Looking forward to lots of reading and library trips this summer!

After the library, we went to the park five minutes down the road. The boys made some friends and had a great time playing, especially “gorilla” tag (a game they made up) and hide and seek.

On Friday evening, we enjoyed a family boat ride. We took a slow cruise along the shoreline admiring all the houses and cottages.


It was our last soccer Saturday! The season ended with the “Romp n Stomp”. All teams came together at Myles Kimmerly County Park for a mini tournament.

Lucas and Drew played two games in a row and won both! Ryan coached and I am going to steal his recap from Facebook:

“Lucas and Andrew finished their soccer season today with a bang! It was a very tough learning season going into today with a 1-5 record, but they swept a double header finishing 3-5 on the season! Lucas and his buddy Ian each scored 5 goals against very stiff competition to go 2-0 today and I couldn’t be prouder of them. They all played very gritty against bigger kids and showed their growth throughout the season! Both games were identical 6-4 victories and Lucas iced the 2nd game with a corner kick interception for a goal to end it! Great season boys!”

Owen got to play a game too! He did not play games during the regular season, so it was actually a little comical to watch. Definitely bumble bee soccer! However, Owen barely joined the “hive”. He was much more interested in looking at bugs.

The boys each received a medal which they were very pumped about!

After soccer, some of the team met up for ice cream at Blue Moon Ice Cream Shop in Cedar. Owen had a slight meltdown over what he ordered, but other than that it was fun ha-ha! I didn’t snap any photos unfortunately.

We were expecting some visitors later in the day: Ryan’s uncle, his girlfriend, her daughter and boyfriend. Ryan took them out on the boat ride and then we went to Hop Lot together for dinner. They were playing live music and it was a very nice time.


To kick off Father’s Day, I made an egg bake for Ryan that he loves. Easiest way to his heart!

After breakfast, we relaxed with coffee. Our big item on the agenda for the day was staining our deck. Not the most favorable Father’s Day activity but Ryan said it needed to be done! The boys swam and played outside while we worked on it. I got stung by a bee, but we got it finished!

After a long afternoon of staining, we decided a relaxing boat ride was in order.

We ordered pizza for dinner. I think the soccer games and Ryan’s uncle visiting made up for having to stain the deck on actual Father’s Day. Ryan also says he enjoys doing those things at the lake, so I’ll take his word for it! We love you, Ryan! Happy Father’s Day to one of the very best.


4 People reacted on this

  1. What a fun filled week!
    I can’t wait to visit the 📚.
    And a great finish to a great soccer season!
    Boys & coaches Rick!!!

  2. I love readings about your weekly events.
    It is the highlight of the weekend.
    I feel like I am there with the family.
    Love and miss the family.

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