Friday Favorites #16

Annie June 2, 2023 Comments4

TGIF! How are you doing? I know many of you are wrapping up the school year and diving into summer. We still have over a week of school left here but so close! The weather has been amazing this week. We’ve been grilling out, playing outside, swimming in the lake, going on walks, and really getting that taste of summer.

As for the weekend, we have a soccer game tomorrow morning, and the rest is wide open. We have some outdoor tasks to tackle and hopefully a boat ride or two.

Keep scrolling if you would like to read about some of my favorite things this week. Thanks for stopping by!

Memorial Day Weekend

You can read all about our kickoff to summer weekend here. We are ready!!

Moon Juice Unstress Stack (Super You & Magnesi-OM)

I was influenced on Instagram with this product and wanted to give it some time before I gave my opinion. Moon Juice has a whole line up of different supplements for self-care and most have very positive reviews. The daily stress management intrigued me and with all the great reviews I decided to give it a go. I really have noticed a difference in my general anxiety and how I recover in stressful situations. I still get triggered with certain things, but I feel less frantic and reactive when I do. It has been somewhat life changing and it’s helping me be a better mom, too!

I have read about Magnesium as a sleep supplement because I know I rely too much on melatonin. The magnesium gives me a feeling of calm before bed, and I don’t wake up groggy like I do with melatonin. It also aids with digestion, PMS cramps, and brain health. It’s a powder you mix with water and is very easy to drink. It relaxes me before bed and makes me feel less stressed when I am falling asleep.

I found a 30% off discount code as these are kind of pricey. However, my mood and sleep quality are worth it in my opinion!

The Stationery Shop by Marjan Kamali

I flew through this book and stayed up past my bedtime last night to finish. It is a very well written tenderhearted story. This book has all the feels: romance, happiness, trauma, heartbreak, and just grabs you from the beginning. I also loved the description of Persian culture, and I learned a lot about the history of Iran. I may have even googled Persian food in Traverse City because the author’s description of their food was mouthwatering! I will be upfront and say that this book is a bit sad, and it even angered me at times. However, it’s a beautiful story and I definitely recommend!

Mundo’s Coffee Date

I had plans Wednesday morning to meet at Mundo’s for a Facebook marketplace transaction. (Lucas scored some brand-new shoes at a great price!) Anyways, I decided to take Owen inside for a little coffee date. I ordered the Vanilla Rose latte (delicious), and we shared the Berry Waffle (also delicious). Owen is at such a precious age, and I soak up our one-on-one time as much as I can. I LOVE age four and it really needs to slow down!


Boy was God showing off this week with the sunsets! They never get old here and I do not take them for granted. The beauty of a sunset brings such a sense of peace, gratitude, and prayerfulness. I probably spam my Instagram stories too much with them, but God’s beauty is worth sharing, right?


4 People reacted on this

  1. Definitely going to read that 📕
    Owen seemed to be loving those blueberries, a new place to try when I come for a visit! And the sunsets are always an amazing way to end a day😊

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