Friday Favorites #18

Annie June 16, 2023 Comments3

Hi there! Did you have a good week? I know many in Toledo did not because a tornado hit the Point Place area. Thankfully, those I know are safe and okay but it caused quite a bit of damage. Prayers are definitely needed.

Our week was a bit up and down with a weird short-lived bug that hit the boys. Lucas got sick at dismissal on Tuesday and Owen twice on the way home from school on his last day. Nala also got a taste of it, so lots of cleaning up over here. Owen and Lucas felt a little down for a few hours, then totally fine. So strange! I did celebrate my 37th birthday this week and we are officially all done with school! Hello summer!

We have eased into summer break with slow mornings and simply doing as we please at home. Our first day of summer break didn’t really feel like summer but we still had indoor fun by building a fort and playing a few games.

I think Mother Nature is getting the memo that it is indeed summer (not fall) so hopefully we can spend time in the sun this weekend. Tomorrow is our last soccer game. They call it the “Romp n Stomp” where all the teams come together for a mini tournament. Owen gets to play too!

Owen’s last soccer practice yesterday!

Sunday of course is Father’s Day and Ryan says all he wants to do is spend the day at the lake so makes it easy on me! Keep on scrolling if you would like to read the list of what brought me some joy this week:) Have a wonderful Father’s Day weekend!

End of the School Year

We made it to summer! The end of the school year always brings such bittersweet feelings. I am happy to have a break from schedule and routine. It’s also our first northern Michigan summer so I know we’ll have many fun, new adventures. With all that said, another school year means my boys are another year older. I will have a fourth and second grader next year which is hard to wrap my head around. They were literally just toddlers. Stay little Owen!!

Turning 37

Birthdays are also bittersweet as you get older! I am thankful for another year of good health and blessings. However, one year closer to forty is a little frightening. I’ve loved my 30s though so will just keep soaking them up. My birthday happened to land on Lucas’s last day of school. I dropped Lucas off, then met up with Ryan for breakfast downtown at The Omelette Shoppe.

Lucas only had a half day of school so after breakfast we had about a half hour before picking him up. I decided to take the boys to the library near the school. They love going to the library which makes my heart happy. Owen especially enjoys the shelf of pop-up books and Drew typically gravitates towards the puzzles. Owen also insisted on checking out very heavy dinosaur encyclopedia:)

After our library visit, it was time to head back to the school to pick up Lucas. Usually, I go in carline but decided to park and wait for him outside on the last day. I thought he would run out all excited but actually walked out with tears in his eyes. He hugged me and said, “I don’t want school to end. I’m really going to miss my friends.” It goes to show how much he loves school. I am so thankful we found such a great school for the boys.

I have been low key excited see the new Little Mermaid movie (my favorite growing up!) so figured my birthday was the day to go! We went straight from school to make the 1:00 showing. I thought it was good but was hoping for more. I could write a whole review but will just say the original still has my heart.

After the movie, we headed home to chill until Ryan got home from work. Then it was off to my birthday dinner. We went to North Peak Brewing Company. To be honest, the food wasn’t that great, but we were together and had a fun time. The boys sang “Happy Birthday” to me in the restaurant which was sweet. Plus, I got a free dessert!

Funny story: We saw the exact same family at The Omelette Shoppe earlier that day. They recognized us and struck up some conversation.

It was a good day! Looking forward to year 38:)

The Bodyguard by Katherine Center

This was a really cute read that made me smile, laugh, and tear up a little. The main character Hannah Brooks is an “Executive Protection Officer” (aka bodyguard), and we meet her on what seems to be the worst day of her life. As the story goes on, she gets assigned as a bodyguard to a very famous dreamy actor, Jack Stapleton. Her assignment turns into her fake dating him at his family’s Texas ranch. This book provides the banter and predictability you expect from a romantic comedy with some added drama, action, and plot twist. While it was slightly corny at times, I thoroughly enjoyed this little gem of a book!

Another Amazon Bag

Last week I posted this bag as a Friday favorite, and I have another one for ya this week! I love my belt bag and wear it almost daily but have been looking for something slightly bigger that I can dress up or down. This crossbody bag caught my attention and had good reviews so I went ahead and ordered. I like the gold accents and the quilted detail with the brown and black color combination on the strap. I can see myself reaching for this bag a lot!

Magnum Mini Ice Cream Bars Double Caramel

First, I will say that I LOVE ice cream. It hasn’t been all that warm this week, but nonetheless I’ve been enjoying these mini caramel ice cream bars. I love caramel and chocolate together. One little bar is just enough to satisfy that post-dinner sweet tooth and they taste delicious! Just have to hide them from Ryan;)


3 People reacted on this

  1. What a beautiful birthday you enjoyed with your bundle of boys 🩷
    Another book to add to my “must read list”
    As always, a joy to hear about your wonderful week up North!

  2. I know I have missed a lot of your blog recently. I haven’t really been on social media much! I am so happy you had a great birthday!

    Love you!

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