Friday Favorites #19

Annie June 23, 2023 Comments6

First, I want to say thank you for all the love and support of my last blog post. It was more than I ever expected, and my heart was comforted greatly by all your comments. It truly means a lot!

How are we to the last weekend of June?! Memorial Day was yesterday. Things have been pretty busy around here getting ready for rental season. We rent our cottage for several weeks in the summer and our first tenants check in next Saturday.

That means we need a place to live, and being we haven’t found a house yet, RV life it is! We finally secured a camper and will start that adventure July 8th after spending a week in Ohio. Stay tuned!

For now, keep reading for this week’s roundup of Friday favorites. Have a lovely first official weekend of summer!

The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles

My neighbor invited me to her book club. I have never been in a book club before and tend to prefer reading what I want when I want. However, I am willing to expand my horizons a little and try something new. We meet next week about The Lincoln Highway.

When I checked this book out at the library, I was skeptical. First, I completely judged the book by its cover. Second, it is looonnnggg. It is definitely not a novel I would typically gravitate toward. In all honesty, I thought it was going to be a bore of a read.

Well, let me just say never judge a book by its cover! I am really enjoying this one! It is set in 1950s America (which I love) and each chapter is written from a different character’s perspective. I love the characters, especially Duchess. I keep picturing him as a young Leonardo DiCaprio. It’s a story full of love, adventure, and hope. While it’s not a book I would normally read, I am glad I did and will now approach different books with an open mind. I am a little over halfway through, so can’t speak for the whole book yet. Many reviews speak poorly of the ending, so I’m hoping I am not disappointed.

Mid-Week Splash Pad Visit

On Wednesday, the boys had barbershop appointments scheduled downtown. I figured since we were in the area, we would hit up the Clinch Park Splash Pad right on the bay. We got lucky with a close parking space (even though the meter ate two of my quarters) and took a walk by the marina to get there. The boys changed into their swim trunks and were soaking wet seconds later.

They had such a blast; I don’t think that smile left Drew’s face the whole time we were there. We enjoyed about 45 minutes of fun before a worker came by and said it was being shut down for the rest of the day. I am so glad we went when we did!

Nike Daybreak Sneakers

These were a birthday gift to myself and they arrived this week. I love the neutral colors and they seem to be very comfortable. I was looking for a pair of sneakers I could wear with many different outfits–shorts, skirts, dresses, leggings, and these fit the bill!

Swimming in the Lake

It has been sunny and pushing 90 degrees all week long. The boys have been taking full advantage of the “pool” right in our own front yard. They love to swim in the lake, and I love watching them. I’ve gone in a few times too, because it has been hot! They laugh, play, and have fun together which brings me joy. I love summertime!

Never Have I Ever

Ryan and I finished this bingeworthy series on Netflix this week. We thought it was going to be one of those typical high school shows, but it was surprisingly really funny, heartfelt, and emotionally deep. We laughed out loud a lot, and I bawled my eyes out the last episode. The main character, Devi, has a traumatic freshman year. We follow her complicated life through high school. John McEnroe narrates throughout, and his delivery adds to the humor of the show. I loved the whole cast (perfect casting) and sad it’s over!


6 People reacted on this

  1. I read The Lincoln Highway and totally enjoyed it. My book club likes to keep books 300-400 pgs max 😂 otherwise I would have recommended it.
    Can’t wait to see you all real soon!
    Ps. The shoes are adorable, so you 😉

  2. My book club read it too! The thing I like about being in a book club (besides the wine, food, and fellowship) is trying books I usually wouldn’t even consider reading normally. It makes me a more well rounded person. I can’t wait to see you all pretty soon!!

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