Friday Favorites #2

Annie February 17, 2023 Comments0

TGIF! Here’s a roundup of some of my favorite things this week!

Valentine’s Day 2023

I know many people think Valentine’s Day is a cheesy Hallmark holiday, but I absolutely love it! Maybe it’s the teacher in me or because Ryan proposed on Valentine’s Day, but I have a soft spot for this day of L-O-V-E. The boys were so excited about their bags of goodies when I picked them up from school. We met daddy at Chick-fil-a (had some gift cards to burn) to enjoy a Valentine’s Day dinner. Then we caused havoc in Sportsman’s Warehouse followed by a hike at Kids Creek.

After our short hike, we came home, and the boys were dying to look at all their valentines from school. They also opened up their little gift from mom and dad: two new books, a cute little stuffed dog to go with them and a new Lego set. I hope the boys will always remember these simple holiday memories and traditions.


One little perk about Lucas growing up is he can begin to play “adult” games with us. Ryan and I recently introduced him to Yahtzee, and he’s been loving it! We’re still working on losing gracefully (haha) but it’s been a great way to have some family time together. Owen and Drew are learning too and like to watch and help mommy and daddy roll. One added benefit is it helps Lucas work on some math skills. A win-win all around!

Pond’s Cold Cream Make Up Remover

This past year, I have made an effort to be better at my morning and evening skincare routine. I used to just wipe my face with a face wipe and call it a night. Within the last six months, I have invested in some DIME skincare products and have been loving the results. However, between the toner, serums and creams, it does add up fast.

I’ve been really wanting to try the DIME cleansing balm but with everything else it was just too expensive. When I was at Target, I saw the Pond’s Cold Cream cleanser on the shelf and remembered how I used this all the time back in the day. I don’t know why I ever stopped (the convenience of makeup wipes I guess?), but I decided to give it a go again. This stuff works really well! I just wet a black washcloth (I have these) with warm water, dip some on, and all my makeup comes off with little effort. For only $7 compared to $38 at DIME, I think this will work just fine for now.

Nala’s 10th Birthday/PetLabCo. Joint Care Chews

We celebrated Nala’s 10th birthday this week! It’s so bittersweet celebrating her birthday each year as she gets older. I also can’t believe we adopted Nala almost 10 years ago. I don’t know what we did to deserve her, but boy has she been the best dog. Nala has such a sweet, gentle spirit that balances the boys’ energetic, feisty ones. She’s my rock, we have such a close bond and I know I’m her favorite;)

Now that Nala is 70 (in doggie years) it’s evident she’s in need of a supplement for her joints. I’ve noticed in the past year it’s been harder for her to get up and that her hips are beginning to give out a little. I saw an ad on Facebook for these joint care chews and decided to give them a go. Nala’s been on them for almost three months now and I can tell they are helping. She likes the taste too; she always eats it first like a treat. I know we have more years behind us than ahead so I want to do all I can to make the best of them!


After bedtime routine, Ryan and I typically like to take some time to relax together. It usually involves a game of cards or a TV show. Last year, we got hooked on Yellowstone and 1883. So, when 1923 came out, we knew we would probably like it. I think I like 1883 and 1923 better than the Yellowstone series, probably because I am a sucker for historical fiction. 1923 is really good so far and it doesn’t hurt one of the main actors is pretty easy on the eyes;) Also, I love Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren together. I definitely recommend this series, but suggest you watch 1883 first and maybe even Yellowstone. All three are connected.


While I am still very new to blogging, I am really liking it so far! I don’t know if anyone is actually reading my posts, but I am having fun with it and suppose a new hobby never hurts. If you are reading this right now, thank you!!! I truly appreciate it and hopefully as time goes on, I will get a better hang of this and create content that is interesting or helpful to you. I am still figuring out the direction this blog will go, but for now am taking it day by day, fitting it in when I have time. Thank you again for being here and have a great weekend!


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