Friday Favorites #24

Annie August 25, 2023 Comments1

I can’t believe we are to the last weekend of August. My boys have one more week of summer break so I hope we can make it count! We do not have any set plans on the agenda this weekend. The sun has been MIA this week and I hope it decides to make an appearance. I am not ready to let go of summer yet!

Keep on reading for this week’s roundup of favorites and enjoy your weekend!

Being Back Home

As Dorothy would say, “There’s no place like home.” It’s a great feeling to be home again. I am such a homebody so settling back in has been welcomed with familiarity and comfort. The boys and I took the kayaks out earlier this week. It’s like Christmas all over again for them playing with toys they have not seen in weeks. I am also beginning to have dreams of fall, decorating our home and making it cozy.

Daily Devotionals for the Boys and Myself

I used to pray a daily devotional every morning. For whatever reason, I unfortunately got out of the habit and decided with a new school year starting, it is a good time to get back into it. I choose this one on Amazon and am really enjoying it so far. It is organized by day and begins with a Bible verse. The reflection takes about five minutes to read/pray. I am finding it to be a peaceful, inspiring way to begin each day. It’s also very pretty and looks lovely sitting on my side table.

I also read the boys a devotional most nights before bed. However, the one I was currently reading did not seem to gravitate their attention. I think it’s meant for boys a little bit older. I searched on Amazon and came across this one. The “nature” in the title caught my attention because the boys love being outside and everything about God’s creation. It is much better for them and we are finding more purpose with our bedtime prayers.

Gathering with New Friends

On Tuesday our family was kindly invited to a get together with some friends from the boys’ school. They had an absolute blast! A few even rocked the extra chromosome which is pretty special. We are thankful to be making connections up this way.

Peter Pan Honey Roast

I have always been a huge fan of peanut butter (I think I get it from my dad). I love the combination of honey and peanut butter so thought I would give this brand a try when I saw it at Meijer. It is so good! I pair it with toast, apples, etc. but also love it right off a spoon. Will definitely buy again and not sure I will go back to plain ole’ peanut butter!

First Day Kids Daily Enrichment

One of the things on the top of my list for back-to-school shopping is vitamins for the boys. I did lots of research and decided on this brand. Anything I can do to keep them healthy and growing strong is a plus! The boys really like the taste which is huge. I hope these gummies will cover any deficiencies in their diets and do all they claim to do!


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