Friday Favorites #25

Annie September 1, 2023 Comments0

Hey there and happy Friday! I can’t believe September is here and school begins next week! I absolutely LOVE the “ber” months and am looking forward to all the joy they bring. To kick them off, we will celebrate Labor Day weekend at the lake. The plan is swimming, boating, kayaking, grilling out…all the summer things before fall decides to make its official arrival. We also have to get back into that early bedtime routine because Monday is a school night!

Keep scrolling for this week’s roundup of favorites and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Beach Day

Monday was a beautiful day with zero plans, so we headed to the beach. Suttons Bay Beach isn’t far from our cottage. It has gorgeous views of the bay and a playground for the boys to play on.

I packed some snacks and pretty much right as a I unzipped the cooler, we had a few ducks in our presence clearly wanting a taste. They were begging like little dogs. Too funny!

The boys made a friend who happened to have a metal detector with him, so they had a lot of fun with that. (Also, a new thing they want for Christmas ha-ha.) They played in the sand and swam knee deep since the water was pretty chilly. I read a few chapters of my book (see below). It was a lovely afternoon!

A Lady’s Guide to Fortune Hunting by Sophie Irwin

If you enjoy the series Bridgerton on Netflix, then A Lady’s Guide to Fortune Hunting is for you! I wanted a light, entertaining read after a Fourth Wing hangover and this book was perfect. I loved imaging the accents, colorful vintage fashion, and all the frills and drama of London high society in the 1800s. I even tuned in Julie Andrew’s voice when reading the narration. It’s not too cheesy or fluffy (though predictable) and really just a delightful, little escape novel. Now I am especially looking forward to season 3 of Bridgerton!

School Open House

Back to school fun began this week with Open House at the school! They boys got to see their classrooms and meet their new teachers. Before Open House, Lucas was not thrilled about going back to school. Now he keeps saying how excited he is! Owen says he’s happy about school, too! That really makes my mama heart happy because we had a ROUGH start last year. They both have new teachers who seem wonderful.

Drew’s Open House was the following day, and he will be with the same teacher this year. We adored his teacher last year so happy to have him again! Drew really enjoys school and I always hear from staff how they love to see his smiling face each morning.

I always love the back-to-school excitement (miss it as a teacher) and consider back-to-school time more of the new year than January 1st. We’re still hanging on to the goodness of summer, but it also feels good to settle back into routine, make new goals, and prepare for a new year of learning and growth.

Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked

It has been a long time since I’ve picked up a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and boy, have I been missing out! I know Moomers is the famous ice cream up this way, and while it’s still my fav, Ben & Jerry’s is a very close runner up. I mean cookie dough and brownie bites together in creamy deliciousness? Heaven. Also crack. And I learned the hard way to only open POST bedtime;)

Spur of the Moment Sunset Cruise

I literally got out of the shower Wednesday evening (hence the wet hair) and Ryan had the idea to take the pontoon out and catch the last of the sunset. I wasn’t going to go, but glad I got dressed quickly and did! It was chilly, but the calm water and pretty sky more than made up for it. Drew LOVES the boat, so he was on his feet dancing and smiling the whole time. Lucas, Owen, and Daddy casted a few lines. I simply enjoyed the view with my family. It was a reminder to not take for granted our beautiful surroundings.


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