Friday Favorites #27

Annie September 15, 2023 Comments0

TGIF! We survived our first five-day school week. The boys are beginning to wake up on their own, so I think that means we are getting back into the groove of things. We started soccer this week and Ryan is coaching both teams. It’s one of my favorites so keep scrolling for more details:)

We do not have any plans this weekend, so we shall see where it takes us. I am sure some college football is on the agenda and hopefully Mass on Sunday. Andrew and Lucas make their First Reconciliation in December, so I think it’s important we make it a habit of attending church more frequently.

As always, thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

Now that school is back in session, I do not read nearly as much as I do in the summertime. However, I try to sneak in some chapters before bedtime each night if I’m not too tired. I actually started the book Homecoming by Kate Morton a few weeks ago. She is one my favorite authors so have been pretty hyped to read her latest novel. Unfortunately, this book was a DNF for me. It was lengthy paragraph after lengthy paragraph, and I just couldn’t get into it. Maybe I’ll come back to it one day, we’ll see.

After abandoning ship on that one, I decided to pick up Remarkably Bright Creatures since I waited quite a while for it to become available at the library. It hooked me pretty quickly! This book has a unique, heartwarming story with a POV from a giant pacific octopus. You would think this is strange but it’s actually very captivating! This book is just so creative and charming, I am thoroughly enjoying it.

Beginning of Soccer Season

Last year we moved a day before school started and with adjusting to a new state, we did not sign up for any fall activities. When spring came along, I came across the Leelanau Soccer Club and thought this would be a perfect way to meet families in our community and get the boys involved in an extracurricular activity. We loved it and decided to sign up them again this fall. An email went out stating both teams were in need of a coach, so Ryan volunteered as tribute.

Ryan is great with kids, so I know he’ll be an awesome coach! It’s fun to watch him wear the “teacher hat” that I am used to wearing (he’s learning all about redirection haha). The boys both have great teams though and I’m confident it’ll be an awesome soccer season of making new friends, improving skills, and having fun. Especially with Coach Ryan;)

Lighted Birch Garland

Last week, I began decorating for fall which I love by the way! I was eager to get into my bins that I haven’t seen in two years. One new item I did purchase was this lighted garland for my mantle. I love twinkle lights in fall and winter. While searching for new ones, I came across these that look like birch tree branches. I thought the added texture would add some detail to my fall garland. They did take some playing around with, but I really like the look. I think I’ll keep them for Christmas, too, and just switch out the garland. I also love these flameless taper candles and these flameless pillar candles.

Gluten Free Blueberry Muffins

Drew has Celiac Disease, so I am always on the lookout for yummy gluten free recipes. He tends not to eat GF dessert, but I thought I would give these muffins a try anyway. He loved them! All three boys did! They didn’t even taste gluten free and that’s probably why haha. The one thing I didn’t realize was the recipe only makes six muffins so will definitely have to double next time. These were gone quick!

Age 4

On Thursday, Owen and I enjoyed a lovely afternoon at Veronica Valley. Owen loves the outdoors and one of his favorite things to do is find animals like frogs, worms, and fish. He would stay all day at the pond if I let him! I l adore his curiosity and tender heart towards God’s creatures.

With that being said, age four is one my favorite ages. Granted, I haven’t experienced them all yet, but there is truly something magical about the preschool years. Four-year-olds have the most inquisitive, creative little minds and their sweet innocence just tugs at your heartstrings. They have mostly outgrown those toddler tantrums but still young enough to express a big imagination and playful spirit. Age four is just the best and I wish I could freeze time.

Here’s a throwback post to Owen’s fourth birthday!


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