Friday Favorites #33

Annie December 1, 2023 Comments0

Happy December 1st! Our elf, Brutus, arrived from the North Pole this morning!! The boys were so excited. He sent an important reminder of what the season is truly about. We will work together as a family to be faithful, giving, prayerful, and loving this Advent season.

I only started this tradition last year (I finally caved) and the boys truly love it. It makes the extra effort worth it, and I am not sure how many years I have left of Lucas believing. Savoring all the Christmas magic of those younger years as long as I possibly can! And I know as they grow older the magic is still there, it just looks different.

I haven’t done a Friday Favorites roundup in a while, so keep scrolling for this week’s list of favorites. Have a wonderful first weekend of December!

First Snow!

We left Ohio a day early to beat the predicted snowfall in Michigan. It snowed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Tuesday night into Wednesday. We got about 6-8 inches (I need to get some kind of measuring device). The boys had fun playing in it on Sunday and Owen and I built a little snowman (more like a ‘snowchild’) together on Tuesday.

The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner

I am behind in sharing my recent reads! In November I read The House in the Cerulean Sea (fantasy) and Part of Your World (romance). I really enjoyed them both, and perhaps will share reviews in another post with The Lost Apothecary (mystery/thriller) that I am currently reading. All three are completely different reads but all good ones!

I am about halfway through The Lost Apothecary and definitely think it’s a winner so far. It switches back and forth between 18th century London and present-day London. It is a unique, intriguing plot in which one of the main characters, Nella, is an apothecary who creates potions for women who want men dead. One day, 12-year-old Eliza shows up and a series of unexpected events begin to unfold.

Present day Caroline is alone in London for what is supposed to be a 10th anniversary trip, but her marriage is in turmoil. She discovers an old apothecary vial which leads to a whirlwind investigation…

Mini Christmas Wreath from Target

I shared my kitchen wallpaper as a Friday Favorite back in May. One thing I didn’t think about it is how the summer vibe might clash with Christmas decor. However, I am making it work and think this little Target wreath compliments it perfectly. The greens match and I love the little red velvet bow. Target does it again!

Indoor Fires

I admittedly love winter–the snow, twinkle lights, hibernating at home, and a cackling indoor fire. Ryan and I love our wood burning stove and use it quite often during these cold, snowy months. It adds a cozy warmth to the house and smells amazing. I know many people complain about winter (I probably will too come February) but if you just shift your mindset a bit, it really can be a special time of year. Reading, puzzles, new indoor hobbies, watching movies–all by a cozy fire–I’m here for it!

Christmas Hot Cocoa Spoons

I set up a simple hot coca bar in our kitchen. I came across this cute little Santa tray I had packed away with my Christmas decor and was trying to think of what I could place on it. The idea of little spoons for stirring came to mind and of course I found them on Amazon! The boys really enjoy picking out which one to use. Santa and Rudolph are the favorites. Sometimes it really is the little things!

Downtown Stroll with Owen

Thursday was a beautiful day, and I knew I wanted to take Owen out. He loves passing the downtown Christmas tree on the way to school each day so thought we would get an up-close look. (The sun was clearly in Owen’s eyes when I snapped the picture haha). The tree lighting took place while we were in Ohio. Hopefully, we can check it out at night as a family before Christmas. Owen and I strolled hand in hand up and down Front Street. We stopped at the candy store, toy store, Cherry Republic (Owen loves the samples), and bookstore. I adore looking at all the different shop windows. Owen gets so excited about the little things, and I love seeing it all through his eyes.


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