Friday Favorites #34

Annie December 14, 2023 Comments0

Good morning! Thank you for stopping by today. I am extra excited it’s Friday because we are headed to Frankenmuth this weekend! My parents, brother, and sister-in-law are joining us too. It’ll be a quick trip, but I am looking forward to the extra time with them. My parents are actually going to travel back with us Sunday and stay through Wednesday to celebrate Lucas’s birthday. Lots of fun to be had!

Keep reading for a quick rundown of some favorite things this week. I missed last week so there is some overlap. Have a great weekend!


I think Advent is my favorite liturgical season. It reminds us to slow down, reflect, pray, repent and anticipate what this season is truly about. I set up our wreath at home (Lucas cut all the greens for it!) by our nativity. We light the candles, read scripture, and pray about how we can be like Jesus in hope, peace, joy, and love these weeks leading up to His birth. All beautiful things! Andrew and Lucas are also receiving the sacrament of First Reconciliation tomorrow morning. No better time than Advent to celebrate the reconciling of love and healing graces of Jesus. So proud of them!

Kitchen Lamp

If you don’t have a lamp in your kitchen, I highly recommend. There’s something so wonderfully cozy about it. The one I had was fine, but kind of a pain to turn on and off. A little while back I was at Walmart and this mini rattan one immediately caught my attention. It complements my tea pot and is the perfect height for under the cabinet. Love turning this little guy on each morning and evening!

Volunteering for School Christmas Craft

Since I am not working out of the home right now, I try to volunteer at school as much as possible. This week the PTO organized an all-school holiday craft. The students created adorable snow globe ornaments with their photos inside. I volunteered two days, and it was a joy helping the little ones create a special Christmas gift for a loved one. I enjoy getting in “teacher mode” from time to time too and I get to see my boys in school mode:)

Thrifted Child Rocking Chair

I was browsing Facebook Marketplace one day and noticed this cute little rocker for a very good price. I thought it would look adorable painted red by our Christmas tree. I found this chalk paint (another Walmart score) for $8, and it went on easily. I am still thinking about distressing it and adding some details like a pillow but for now it works. The boys love sitting on it to read their Christmas books.

Robinson Family Tree Farm Outing

Thursday was a warm-ish sunny day. Owen and I decided on an outing to the tree farm. We went to Robinson Family Tree Farm last year for a small real tree. Since we didn’t make it back as a family this year, I thought I would take Owen. They have farm animals to look at and a barn with games, complimentary hot cocoa and cookies (delicious by the way), gifts and other goodies. Their puppy Teddy was very friendly, and Owen got a kick out of him. We walked through the trees, looked at the animals, played a game of Connect 4 and Tic Tac Toe, and enjoyed a cup of hot cocoa with a homemade cookie. I also purchased a few candles to add on to teacher gifts. It was definitely worth the visit!


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