Friday Favorites #37

Annie January 26, 2024 Comments4

TGIF! This week was a little blah as I wasn’t feeling 100% and ended up getting diagnosed with strep throat. The antibiotics are working their magic, though, and I am feeling a lot better. Somehow, we have reached the end of January already, so it’s looking like another year is going to fly on by! I published a blog post earlier this week about how fast time goes and how I am handling that all.

Another January weekend of very little plans so we shall see what unfolds! Keep on scrolling for this week’s roundup of favorites. Have a fantastic weekend!

Snow Tubing at Timberlee Hills

We did this for the first time last winter (mentioned in this blog post) and had a blast so history had to repeat itself! On Sunday, we bundled ourselves up and headed out for our 3pm reservation. You get one hour on the hill so can squeeze in quite a few runs. There is a pulley system that carries you in your tube up the hill. The workers are all young college kids who really seem to enjoy their job. They ask if you want “to spin” and make it fun for everyone. Funny story: the first time we got to the top of the hill, Owen just went in his tube and slid down! You are supposed to wait for a worker to pull you. We watched him go down, get out, and pull his tube back to the pulley. It was pretty hilarious! Then he proceeded to go back up from the bottom of the hill and went and did it again! Mr. Independent LOVES snow tubing!

I also made this reel highlighting a video of us going down the hill. You can tell we had a blast from all those smiles!

Valentine’s Day Decorations

I don’t decorate for Valentine’s Day every year, only if the mood strikes, and this year it did! I don’t do much, just a little bit in the kitchen and around the boys’ desk. They get excited to see all the hearts and it adds some much-needed color for a few weeks during winter. I know Valentine’s Day isn’t everyone’s favorite, but I love it!

Milk & Honey Ice Creamery

Since I had a sore throat this week, I have been craving all things cold. I’ve never been to Milk & Honey so decided to take Owen for a special treat. It reminded me a lot of Cold Stone Creamery but better! Owen ordered chocolate with sprinkles, and I ordered the Cherry Jubilee which was very tasty. We’ll be back for sure. I think we can all agree that it’s never too cold for ice cream!

Family Math Night

We are very grateful to have found a wonderful school community up this way. What we really love is the effort to connect with families. This week it was Family Math Night. It included a fun hula hoop assembly, a provided pizza dinner, and several math games. Who knew there was math involved with hula hooping? The boys enjoyed seeing all their friends and we had a great time.


Owen loves to be home playing with his toys. We have our outings, but many days (especially in winter) we’re homebodies. One activity he’s really been getting into is Lego building. I love watching him use his imagination and creativity to make things and he’s so proud when finished. It’s a quiet activity to do together and definitely gave me joy during a blah week. Like I said in my recent blog post about time, I am truly trying to soak up this last season of being home with Owen. One way I am doing that is simply slowing down, getting on the floor with him, and spending that precious one on one time together.


4 People reacted on this

  1. The tubing sure was a hit, Mim loved all those happy faces!
    ❀️ is in the air, your decor was so cute πŸ₯°

  2. Annie, I just stumbled upon your blog today. It looks like you are living your best life with your family. Your boys are absolutely adorable! You are so blessed to be living in northern Michigan. Lake Michigan is near and dear to my heart. It was so wonderful to see photos of your mom and dad. They are the bestπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    1. Hi Sandy! Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment! Your words mean so much to me. Yes, we feel very blessed to be living in northern Michigan that we often have to pinch ourselves. I hope all is well with you!!! Thanks again for stopping by my blog!

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