Friday Favorites #38

Annie February 2, 2024 Comments4

Happy February and Groundhog Day! It looks like an early spring is in order which I feel we already knew with these warmer temperatures and lack of snow! I am squeezing in some time to blog today between an appointment and a preschool concert at the school later. With that said, this will probably be short and sweet:)

No big plans on the agenda this weekend. I hope we can get outside to enjoy the beautiful sunshine! Keep on reading for this week’s favorites. Have a fantastic weekend!

Andrew’s 10th Birthday

The big highlight this week was celebrating Drew turning double digits! Birthdays always bring out the sentimental side of me. The evening before I tend to look through photos and videos, reminiscing and feeling all emotional about my boys growing up. I shared a reel with a compilation of some favorites. I could write a whole other blog post about our 10-year journey with Drew and plan to share more that on World Down Syndrome Day (3/21).

We had dinner at Chick-fil-A (Drew’s favorite) followed by cake and presents at home. We keep birthdays pretty simple but still make it special as a family. I have a sledding party with friends planned for next weekend, but this weather just isn’t cooperating. Hoping we can figure out a plan B!

Lions Game Outing

We recently discontinued cable at our house and ended up going out to watch the big Lions game last Sunday. The popular places were pretty packed, so we settled for Applebee’s. I haven’t been in years and ended up going twice in January ha-ha. I used to waitress there in my college days, so Ryan and I reminisced about him visiting me back in the day.

We enjoyed the first half of the game which was going really well for the Lions. I am typically not a big football fan but really wanted them to win! It was a heartbreaking game to say the least. Still a great season though!

The Bad Guys by Aaron Blabey

Lucas really enjoys graphic novels but a lot of them are above his reading level. I happened to come across this book at the library last week and it’s been a real hit! He flew through it pretty quick! I appreciate any book that gets an 8-year-old boy excited to read. He read it mostly to Ryan so I cannot even say what it is really about, but I am definitely going to grab book 2!

Hot Tubbing

Our wonderful neighbors don’t mind if we use their hot tub, and we have thoroughly enjoyed it this week! The boys beg to go in every day. It’s “relaxing” (in quotes because three boys in a hot tub) and has been a nice little treat. Ryan and I want to get one now!

The SUN!

It’s been a gray January up this way, and I welcomed the sunshine with open arms this week. Putting those sunglasses on in winter is always a small joy. Also, it’s ironic that I chose the song “Here Comes the Sun” for the reel I made of Andrew because it’s finally here!

Drew is always our ray of sunshine:)


4 People reacted on this

  1. ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️all the sunny vibes for a wonderful week! Happy birthday to drew, I hope the sledding party is a go next weekend works out and I hope you guys have a great weekend enjoying the ☀️☀️can’t wait to see what you do this weekend!

  2. Hard to believe Drew is “10” ! 💙💙💙
    If sledding is out, maybe roast hotdogs &
    Marshmallows at a local park & let the kids run free!
    Can’t wait for our visit at the end of the month,
    Love you all 🩷💙🩷

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