Friday Favorites #4

Annie March 3, 2023 Comments0

Happy March! I know January is the long, blah month for a lot of people but that is actually March for me. Especially if winter sticks around, it tends to feel long. However, we have a lot of fun happenings going on this month! Our friends are visiting from Ohio right now which is awesome. We have World Down Syndrome Day on 3/21, and then we’re off to Ohio for spring break! I hope when we return, we start to see some signs of spring around here.

Here is a roundup of some of my favorite things from the week! Happy Friday!

Owen’s Birthday

You can read all about Owen’s birthday on my blog post here. I used to go all out with themed birthday parties. They were fun to plan, and I loved all the little details. However, I always felt so busy with the decorations, food prep, hosting, clean up, etc. that I couldn’t really just enjoy the special day. Well, along came Covid, and the birthday parties stopped. The last one I hosted was Owen’s first birthday. I can’t believe this farm themed party was three years ago!

February 2020: Look at that cute lil farmer

I’m sure once we start making more friends up here and meeting more people, we will throw birthday parties again. But right now I am kind of digging celebrating the day with just our family, keeping it simple, and still making it special with little traditions.

Kitchen Soap Dispensers

When my parents were up here last month, my dad helped install a new kitchen sink for us. Our old dispensers were looking pretty sad especially with the new sink, so I’ve been looking for replacements. I wanted something pretty that would hide the color of the liquids. I ended up returning two sets (who knew I would be so picky about soap dispensers lol) and the third was the winner. The wood coloring matches the cutting board that came with the sink, and I like the contrast of black with the light wall color and countertop. I know I over analyzed this purchase majorly but sometimes you just know what you like and what you don’t! And I tend to do that, so it wasn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last;)

Natural Bliss Brown Sugar Oat Milk Creamer

When I was at Target a few weeks ago, I saw this creamer and the brown sugar flavor caught my attention. I love lattes with brown sugar at coffee shops so figured I would give this a try at home. It froths great with my handheld milk frother and it tastes delicious! I don’t know if it’s really “natural”, but my morning coffee is the one thing I don’t skimp on. I look forward to it too much!

Getting low!

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

I will probably always have a book included as one of my Friday favorites. I absolutely love to read. This is my first time reading Taylor Jenkins Reid and I know it won’t be my last. I was hooked on this book from the beginning. I am not even halfway through yet, but know I’ll probably be finished by next Friday so figured I would it include in this week’s Friday favorites.

Parent Teacher Conferences

On Tuesday evening, we met with Lucas and Owen’s teachers (Andrew’s is scheduled for a different date). I want to start off by saying that we absolutely love the boys’ new school. It has a strong community feel, the principal is awesome, a very active PTO, and lots of opportunities for family involvement.

Lucas’s teacher is exceptionally wonderful and deserves most of the credit for his growth this year. At the beginning of the school year, Lucas was just learning to blend words and not really reading yet. Now he’s a fluent reader! We’re so excited! We were also told how kind and helpful he is in class and that honestly means the most. He’s such a great kid.

Owen also received a great report from his teacher. He has come SO far since the beginning of the school year. At first, he would cry relentlessly and hold on to my leg as I tried to leave. It was brutal. Now he gets sad when it’s not a school day and loves to go. It makes for much better mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We had some time to kill between school and conferences, so we took the boys sledding!

Have a great weekend!


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