Friday Favorites #41

Annie March 1, 2024 Comments0

Happy March! Does anyone else feel like 2024 is flying by? Please slow down a little! Although I am anxiously awaiting spring since we’ve had so many teaser days. Michigan seems to be a little drunk lately as we had 72 degrees and sunshine on Tuesday followed by a snow day on Wednesday! Who knows what March will bring but I definitely prefer it to go out like a lamb!

The past two weekends have been packed with fun between grandpa visiting, a girl’s weekend (would have been a favorite last Friday if I posted!) and my parents visiting (another favorite!). This weekend should be lower key as we don’t have any plans. We shall see how it unfolds!

Keep on scrolling to read this week’s roundup of favorite things. Have a fabulous weekend!

Mim & Papa’s Visit

My parents arrived last Thursday and left Tuesday this week. They wanted to celebrate Owen’s birthday with us which made it extra special. Some highlights of their visit included many games of Yahtzee, Clay Cliffs Natural Area hike, lunch at Hop Lot, and thrifting with my mom. Of course, Owen’s birthday too! We absolutely love when they visit, and that we can enjoy several days of quality time in a row since we don’t see them as frequently now. I am looking forward to seeing them again later this month for spring break!

Date Night: Beauty & The Beast

For Valentine’s Day, Ryan surprised me with tickets to see Beauty & The Beast! One thing you may not know about me is that I absolutely LOVE musicals. It’s been a long time since I have seen one live, so I was beyond excited for this! Ryan lined it up with my parents visit because they graciously offer us a date night each time they come. We enjoyed a delicious Italian dinner downtown at Sorellina followed by cocktails at The Parlor.

Then we headed to the Old Town Playhouse (first time there) which is also located downtown. It’s a cool little venue with a full bar. Even though we were in the balcony, our seats were great because the theater is relatively small. The show was so good! I loved it and am excited I can still see musicals in my new hometown.

Owen’s Birthday

I posted yesterday highlighting Owen’s birthday if you would like to read:) Owen was very excited to turn five and it’s been a joy watching him grow up (if only he would do it a little slower). He keeps asking when he turns six and I respond with not for a very long time because year five is going to go real slow!!

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna

From the beginning, this book reminded me a lot of The House in the Cerulean Sea. I really enjoyed that one, so I knew I was in for a treat with The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches. It’s a heartwarming story centered around a young witch, Mika, who agrees to help three child witches control their magic. I would describe this book as a warm cup of tea. So cozy! It does have a predictable Hallmark ending, but sometimes that’s just what you want in a book. If you enjoy books about love and family with a witchy vibe I would definitely recommend.

Emily in Paris

I am typically late to the party when it comes to shows. I also just don’t watch a lot of tv. I picked Emily in Paris on Netflix randomly knowing Ryan wouldn’t have interest and the premise sounded cute. While it can be very cliche, it’s also very fun to watch. It’s set in Paris obviously with eye-catching fashion, witty French dialogue, love triangles, and lots of drama. I am enjoying having a show I look forward to watching. I also want to book a trip to Paris now haha. Who’s with me?!


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