Friday Favorites #42

Annie March 15, 2024 Comments2

Hey there! Phew, has it been a week and I am so glad Friday is here. First, some major construction is happening in town which is alternating the route I take the boys to school. I think I have it figured out where it only adds a few minutes but still a pain. Second, Ryan has been under the weather so I have been holding down the fort which can get exhausting! Third, Monday night as I was preparing the next day’s coffee pot, a mouse scurried right past my feet and scared the living daylights out of me!! The first set of traps we bought didn’t work so it wasn’t until last night we finally got rid of the little stinker. Also, mice poop. Like a lot. Not very fun! And speaking of poop, three out of five of us stepped in dog poop this week. And to top it all off, we learned at the dentist this week #2 has some cavities that need taken care of. I also think I have a sinus infection. When it rains it pours, right?!

I did find some joy this week (because first world problems) and rounded up a list of favorite things. Thank you for stopping by. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

The Echo of Old Books by Barbara Davis

One of my favorite genres is historical fiction that connects to a present-day story. The Echo of Old Books is especially unique because it contains two books within the novel. I wasn’t sure I was going to like this way of storytelling but ended up really enjoying it! It’s a beautifully done story of love, heartbreak, and redemption. I found it hard to put down which is always a sign of a really good book! I read The Last of the Moon Girls a while back and I appreciate the way Barbara Davis connects you to her characters with vivid details, captivating dialogue, and layered storylines. The Keeper of Happy Endings is also on my list of books to read.

Spring/Easter Decorations

Last year, winter really dragged its feet, and I didn’t transition to spring decor until the end of March. However, this year, I was ready by the end of February! The early spring weather has been glorious, and the warm sunshine really is such a mood lifter (another favorite this week!). It’s been a few years since I have seen my Easter decorations, so it was fun to pull those out again. Owen especially loves all the bunnies:)

Warm Sunshine

Earlier this week, we had some beautiful weather! “Lamb” weather in March is my jam and I love these early days of spring. They give you that itch to be outside for parks, picnics, biking, walks…We made sure to stop at the playground multiple times. Owen and I also enjoyed a nice walk on the beach (minus stepping in dog poop). I still don’t think spring is officially here so taking it when I can!

Kur Nail Illuminating Concealer

I don’t regularly get my nails done but love them when I do! However, professional nails are pricey to upkeep and completely tear my nails up too. Regular old nail polish doesn’t really cut it either. I saw this nail concealer on Instagram and thought I would give it a go. LOVE! It makes your nails look so healthy. I apply three coats and it’s relatively quick to dry. I also use OPI Start to Finish nail strengthener as a base and topcoat. Both are worth every penny!

Midweek Dinner Out

On Wednesdays, Drew and Lucas have their Faith Formation class. I usually drop Owen off to Ryan, then take them out for an early dinner before class as it’s a lot of driving to go home and back to town. This week we decided to go out as a family. We ended up at Applebee’s, mostly because we didn’t want to spend a fortune, and it’s on the way to the church. The only picture I took was Owen with his corndog. It was his first time ordering one and he was pretty excited about it haha. It’s always fun to have an outing on a typical weekday night.


2 People reacted on this

  1. Doggie dodo is the worst πŸ™ and a little mouse is right there with it πŸ˜†
    Poor Lucas 😞 hopefully next visit will be better
    For him.
    Love , Mim

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