Friday Favorites #50

Annie September 13, 2024 Comments0

Happy Friday! We survived our first full week back to school. The boys have actually settled into routine well, but we’re definitely still enjoying summer as long as it plans to stick around. We made a few trips to Veronica Valley this week to hunt for frogs and jumped in the lake too!

Grandpa arrives today! I am sure that means we will have some fun plans on the agenda this weekend. All three boys have their first rec games tomorrow morning and Lucas has two travel games on Sunday. Soccer is our life now ha-ha.

It’s been a while since my last Friday Favorites post so keep scrolling if that’s what you’re here for! I hope you enjoy the last official weekend of summer!

Beginning of Soccer Season

Like I said above, back to school also means back to soccer! Lucas is now playing travel soccer so that will add a lot more time on the fields this season. Owen also bumped up to U6 which means he’ll play games now too. Lots of dividing and conquering! Even though Ryan is traveling for work in the near future, he still really wanted to coach so we are making it work. It will be fun to see a new group of kids learn and grow with each other this season! Hopefully we can win our first game tomorrow!

Putting up Fall Decorations

Last weekend really felt like fall, so I busted out all my autumn decorations. Summer is back but I still decided to put them up anyway. They add some warmth and coziness to the house which I love. Fall is my favorite season up here and I look forward to all it has to offer-crisp air, changing leaves, apple picking, a visit to the pumpkin patch, warm cider, bon fires…it’s the best!!

Rewatching Prison Break

The fall and winter months are typically when Ryan and I watch a show together. Recently, we decided to rewatch one of our favorite series, Prison Break, after seeing it pop up on Netflix. It was a pretty popular show back in the day, but if you haven’t watched I definitely recommend! Especially if you like fast-paced shows that keep you on the edge of your seat. It’s a good one!

Fireplace Upgrade

Slowly but surely, we are renovating a portion of our home to give us more living space. A while back, I painted the brick surrounding the fireplace and this past weekend Ryan finished installing the cedar planks above the mantle. We still want to replace the countertop for the hearth but loved how it turned out! It’s exciting to see our vision finally become a reality. I met with a cabinet designer this week, and while my head was spinning with all the decisions to be made, it’s another big step forward to the finish line!

The Last Love Note by Emma Grey

I finished The Last Love Note a little while ago but figured I would include it since I haven’t shared any books in quite some time. This book was not at all what I expected it to be. The main character is my age and lost her husband to Alzheimer’s (which I did not realize could affect people so young, what a terrible disease). It’s a story mostly about grief and eventually climbing out of it to experience joy again. You can tell by the description and details in this novel that Emma Grey has experienced this type of grief first-hand. I admire her bravery for writing this story! The whole book isn’t sad, there are several humorous moments along with heartwarming and uplifting. Even though predictable, this book reads very different than other romance novels. I think I still prefer Abby Jimenez when it comes to romance but will definitely check out Emma Grey again.

I am currently back to the Throne of Glass series, reading the prequel, The Assassin’s Blade. I am not very far into it but excited to get back into that series again!


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