Friday Favorites #51

Annie September 20, 2024 Comments1

Hi there! Happy Friday! We are officially entering the season of fall even though it still feels like summer. Although today there is a hint of fall in the air and I am here for it. Lucas has his first big soccer tournament this weekend on both Saturday and Sunday. Owen also plays a game tomorrow morning. That means lots of soccer on the agenda this weekend! I am hoping to go pick some apples too so we’ll see if we can squeeze that in. Have a wonderful weekend and keep scrolling for my roundup of favorites this week:)

The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas

I’ve really been enjoying the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. There are different orders to read it, and I opted to read the prequel, The Assassin’s Blade, after book three which was recommended on a few different reading forums. This book provides a backdrop to the main character, Celaena Sardothien. We learn about her past and early experiences as an assassin. This book digs deeper into her character and really allows you to gain a greater understanding of her choices and character traits later on. It makes the series even more compelling and heart-wrenching! If you are looking to immerse yourself in a fantasy world with complex drama, thrilling action, and a badass female lead, I definitely recommend!

Warm September Days

Even though my brain switches to fall mode in September, I certainly cannot complain about the beautiful weather we’ve been having. It’s been sunny and in the 80s for multiple days in a row now. The boys are still swimming in the lake which makes my heart happy, especially since we say goodbye to our lake for several weeks during the summer. Enjoying it while it lasts!! The colder weather will be here soon enough;)

Pumpkin Pillow Covers

I have a set of 16×16 throw pillows on our sofa that I like to seasonally switch the covers out. I found these cute fall ones on Amazon (of course) and love the color and texture of them. Owen noticed them right away and said “oooooo new fall pillows, I love these”. He’s too funny! My only complaint is the zippers are not the easiest to operate but I managed. They also come in a variety of different colors and sizes.

Baking Banana Bread

The other day Owen noticed how ripe our bananas were getting and mentioned that I should make some banana bread. So that’s exactly what I did. I’ve been in a bit in a baking spree making chocolate chip cookie bars and apple crisp last week. I found this simple recipe online for two bananas and it tasted delicious. Lucas and Owen loved it! Unfortunately, I didn’t have any gluten free flour on hand so Drew couldn’t try. I added some to my grocery list so next time for sure!

School Pictures

The boys got their school pictures taken on Wednesday and we got them back the next day! You never know what you’re going to get but I think they look pretty darn handsome. It’s always bittersweet watching them grow each year through these photos. The years are truly beginning to fly by, and I am trying so hard to soak in each school year. They say once your kids start elementary school it’s a literal blink and I can’t say that I disagree.


1 people reacted on this

  1. Aww I love their school pictures, they all look so handsome! 💙 I hope you have a wonderful soccer filled ⚽️ weekend! Good luck to Lucas in his first tournament! Maybe I will try this fantasy recommendation 🥰🫣

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