Friday Favorites #6

Annie March 17, 2023 Comments1

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! We are all wearing our green today but don’t have any set plans. A leprechaun visited our house this morning playing some naughty tricks! We tried to trap him but no luck this year. Owen found a ladybug so maybe that will be our good luck charm. He’s named her Lady. I’ve also heard that finding a ladybug means good weather is near? It’s the last weekend of winter and I sure hope Michigan gets the memo. So ready for spring!!

Leprechaun Trap Tradition

March 2020 was the first year Lucas and I constructed a leprechaun trap together. This was when quarantine first started so we had some extra time on our hands. Three years later, Lucas still asked to make one and I will hold on to this tradition as long as I can. It’s been our thing each St. Patrick’s Day and I love it.

We browsed Pinterest together and he found the one he wanted. It was his idea to write a list of all the items needed. Dollar Tree was wiped out of their St. Patrick’s Day supplies, so we had to improvise a little. I still think it turned out great! Owen really wanted to help out this year too. Even though we didn’t catch the little stinker, it was fun trying!

Enso Supergreens

Speaking of all things green, my next “Friday Favorite” is just that! I have been trying to focus more on my health and I know I am not eating nearly as many veggies as I should be. I also drink way too much coffee in the morning. To somewhat fix those two problems, I have replaced my “drive to school” coffee with greens. I simply mix two teaspoons (I use these for tea too!) of the Enso Supergreens with ice water (lots of ice) and shake in a cup (this one works well). The boys’ school is a little bit of drive, so I am able to finish it all in the car. Now, I would be lying if I said that I prefer this over coffee. It tastes fine (not the greatest but not gross) and if it helps with all it claims to–digestion, immunity, energy–then it’s totally worth it. I have been drinking it for a few weeks now (stopped while sick) and have noticed it helping a lot with my digestion and energy levels. Immunity is still to be determined. I don’t miss that extra cup or two of coffee, and this still keeps me going in the morning.

Toledo Zoo Twin Polar Bear Cubs

My mom was the one who hooked our family on the new baby polar bears born at the Toledo Zoo. We watched the livestream almost daily of them in their den. Owen especially gravitated towards the cubs, getting excited when they interacted with each other and their mama. My mom even bought him a polar bear stuffy from a local thrift store when she was here.

Now that the cubs are a little older, they are exploring their new exhibit and learning to swim. The zoo set up a new livestream of their pool which Owen and Lucas both love to watch. We voted on a pair of names for them on the zoo website: Quest and Quartz. We’ll see if their vote wins! I actually kept our membership because we love the Toledo Zoo so much. I am thinking maybe we can go see them over spring break! They have a new brown bear exhibit too which looks pretty cool.

Bedtime Story Night

Our school has done an awesome job of celebrating March Reading Month. I miss some of these things as a teacher, so I am glad the school provides many opportunities for family involvement. Last night, the school held a “Bedtime Story Night”. The boys got to wear their pajamas, listen to interactive stories read by staff, enjoy milk and cookies, and shop the book fair. It was a great time!

Make Something Good Today

It’s been a while, but one Saturday morning tradition Ryan and I used to enjoy together was watch an episode of Hometown while drinking our morning coffee. I adore the couple, Erin and Ben Napier. They seem like a genuine, wholesome couple and remind me a little of Ryan and myself. I am the petite blond that loves all things design and Ryan is the bearded, handy toolman. I happened to see their memoir, Make Something Good Today, at the library and am really enjoying it so far. It’s a heartwarming story of how they grew up, how they met, and their big dreams for a small town. Erin Napier has also written a children’s book, The Lantern House, which we checked out but haven’t read yet. The cover and illustrations are adorable. She has a new book coming out in October, Heirloom Rooms, which I am looking forward to reading as well.

Have a great weekend everyone! May the luck of the Irish be with you! 🍀


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