Friday Favorites #9

Annie April 14, 2023 Comments0

Happy Friday everyone! This week seemed to fly by. Maybe because the weather has been absolutely beautiful?! We spent a lot of time outside. Tomorrow is Ryan’s birthday, so we have some celebrating to do this weekend! It looks like summer is sticking around for a few more days and then we’re back to spring (or maybe even winter on Monday, ugh!).

Here’s my roundup for Friday Favorites! Have a great weekend!


You can read all about our Easter weekend here. While holidays can bring some pressure and exhaustion, the joy and magic they bring my boys make it all worth it. We are too quickly leaving those “little” years behind and I can’t help but savor holidays more and more. When they say the days are long and the years are short, it couldn’t be truer.

Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy

Owen has been very interested in wolves recently. We picked up some nonfiction books at the library and have been learning lots about this majestic animal. I happened to stumble upon this novel at the library and it caught my attention with “wolves” in the title.

The description on the back did not give hint to how dark this book is. While that surprised me, I did read it rather quickly and found myself invested in the story. It has some heavy, descriptive scenes that were hard to read. The storyline about the wolves really intrigued me and I found myself tearful at the end. I would recommend, but just proceed with caution. Charlotte McConaghy is a talented writer and I plan to read her other novel, Migrations.

A Taste of Summer

It felt like summer this week and I was here for it! Our high temperatures hit in the 80s with sunny, blue skies. I am longing for boat rides, lake swims, bonfires with s’mores, and all the magical memories our first northern Michigan summer will bring. While I know it’s not here to stay (back to 40s next week) it felt so good to get outside and get a taste of what’s to come.

Cortisol Manager

Every now and then I really struggle to fall asleep. My mind is racing, I feel restless, stressed, etc. I did some research that led to how high levels of cortisol can cause insomnia. I went on the hunt for a cortisol reducer and after some further research, purchased this product last September. The bottle lasted me several months. I only take it when I am experiencing that occasional inability to sleep. I just purchased another bottle this week so figured I would mention it as a Friday favorite. It is melatonin-free and really does work when I have insomnia.

Of course, I am not a doctor and can only tell you about how it worked for me. Like I said, I do not take it nightly. There are many positive reviews on Amazon. Insomnia sucks so I am happy to have found something that kicks it to the curb!

Amazon Shorts

A few months ago, I scored an Amazon deal on these pair of shorts. I never thought I would wear them for the first time in April! I paid $8 for them (normally $20). I wasn’t expecting much for that cheap, but they are actually pretty good quality and fit nicely. The length is perfect, and they were easy to throw on over a one-piece suit.

P.S.: I follow an Instagram account @luluprime_ who shares Amazon items in her stories at 50% off or more. That’s how I scored this deal!

Friday Flashbacks

Friday Favorites #8

Friday Favorites #7

Friday Favorites #6

Friday Favorites #5

Friday Favorites #4

Friday Favorites #3

Friday Favorites #2

Friday Favorites #1


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