HBD Ryan!

Annie April 17, 2023 Comments2

The McCarthy’s celebrated a birthday this weekend: Ryan turned 37! Ryan prefers low key, little attention birthdays so it makes it pretty easy on me. Lucas made him a very sweet card all on his own. As a former first grade teacher, the phonetically spelled words and cute little drawings always get me, especially when they are coming from my own son. I am so proud of all the reading and writing he’s learned this year.

Ryan enjoyed a slow morning drinking coffee and playing Super Mario Bros. with Lucas. Then we got ready for the day and headed out for a late breakfast. The weather was looking great! I joked with Ryan it would probably be warmer on his birthday than mine (June 14th).

Lucas convinced Ryan into going to J and S Hamburg (his favorite spot) and we enjoyed our meal outdoors. There is a bridge right next to the patio and the boys loved looking at the Boardman River pointing out all the fish. They were a little wound up, so it was nice for them to have some space to run around. We never know what we will get when we attempt restaurants with three rambunctious boys!

After breakfast, Ryan wanted to take a walk at DeYoung Natural Area. We made the short hike to Cedar Lake and soaked up the view. Part of the draw in northern Michigan is access to so many beautiful lakes. The blue waters never get old.

We decided to head back into town. Ryan was on the hunt for a new tank top, and we walked along the stores on Front Street for a bit. Cornhole boards at the new Lululemon store grabbed Ryan’s attention and he played a game with Lucas. Next, we went into the toy store, Toy Harbor, and Lucas browsed around with his wallet in hand. He didn’t end up buying anything, the kid loves to save his money. However, if Owen would have had his wallet, the money would have been gone in seconds ha-ha.

After our downtown venture, it was back to the Leelanau Peninsula to visit a few wineries we’ve never been to. First on the agenda was French Valley Vineyard. Upon arrival we entered through a beautiful iron gate and drove on a gravel road admiring the picturesque farm setting. The wood beams and unique lighting caught our attention in the tasting room. The menu included a variety of red and whites (I opted for a glass of Pinot Grigio) and lots of food options too which you don’t always have at wineries. We ordered the mango salsa, and it was delicious!

What really caught our attention though was the play area for kids. Such a bonus! The boys played while Ryan and I got to enjoy our glasses of wine in peace. If you are looking for a kid friendly winery in Leelanau, this is it! We happened to meet a couple from Toledo who also graduated from Central Catholic. Small world!

Our next stop was Bel Lago Vineyards and Winery not too far down the road. This winery is directly across the lake from our home. Lucas actually spotted our cottage right away! I ordered the 2018 Auxerrios Reserve (a dry white); it was light and refreshing. The boys ran around and soon it started to rain so we finished up our wine and headed home.

Once home, we all felt pretty tired, especially mom and dad (wine will do that to ya). The boys watched a little TV and then we all rallied for dinner. We decided on Nittolo’s Pizza & Seafood for Ryan’s birthday dinner. I was a little nervous taking the boys to a nice restaurant after being on the go all day, but I have to say they exceeded my expectations. The chef kindly brought out a plate of strawberries for each of them. He also went out of his way to make sure they prepared Andrew’s pizza safely (he has Celiac Disease). After pizza, we splurged on dessert and sang Happy Birthday to Ryan. It was a lovely outing!

I think it’s safe to say Ryan had a great birthday! He has lots to celebrate from this past year and I am proud of all his accomplishments. He left a job he loved to chase our dreams of a northern Michigan life. Ryan continues to put our family first and works hard to provide all we need. Not a day goes by that I do not thank God for this great husband He has given me.

As for the week ahead, it is a typical week around here for our crew. Ryan’s parents are coming to visit on Friday, so we are looking forward to that. Unfortunately, the weather has took a turn for the worst, but we’ll make the best of it. I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!


2 People reacted on this

  1. Love this Annie, so happy for all of you! You guys sure do enjoy life to its fullest and love hearing about your adventures! Love you!

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