Let it Snow!

Annie January 15, 2024 Comments4

Hi there! Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend and are staying warm as I know it is pretty cold in most places!

The boys are off today for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so we are still in pajamas with no real plans except laundry ha-ha. I thought I would pop on the blog and give you a recap of our very snowy weekend!

Grandpa arrived Thursday afternoon. I cannot tell you how many times Owen asked me, “When will grandpa be here?” They love when he visits! We enjoyed the “warm” 30-degree weather playing in the snow for a bit. Lucas and I tossed a football. We built a snowman too!

Friday evening, we got a fire going, played some games, and I made the best chocolate chip cookies ever. A blogger I follow on Instagram shared the recipe, saying they were the best ever, and she wasn’t lying!

Lucas was gifted this Shark Chomp Champ game for his birthday from my mom and dad. It is just like the game “Spoons” if you grew up playing that. A very fun, fast paced game! The boys are obsessed so we played a lot haha.


We woke up to a lot of snow! Grandpa made us all a delicious breakfast then we headed out to clear the driveway and have some fun too! Lucas and Owen had a blast sledding down our driveway several times. Andrew did a few times, too! I took more video than photos, but I did make this reel to capture the memories:)

I made chili for an early dinner, we started another fire, and played some more games. This time we busted out Blokus. Ryan and I used to play all the time, so it was fun to get it out again!


After another hot breakfast prepared by grandpa and clearing the driveway yet again, we decided to venture out to one of our favorite places, Hop Lot Brewing Co. It was an absolute winter wonderland!

We hung out by the fire for a bit before heading inside for lunch. On “Family Day Sundays”, they offer half off-kid’s meals and free hot cocoa for kids!

I ordered the gourmet grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch. It was delicious! Very good food and craft beer at Hop Lot!

Kids also get free s’more kits on Sundays so that was the plan after lunch. Lucas and Owen worked on a “snow castle” too. There was a perfect falling snow and little wind making it very tolerable (even enjoyable!) to be outside by the fire.

One really cool feature Hop Lot does in the wintertime is igloo reservations. We tried getting one, but they were booked up. Just a reason to go back this winter!

Unfortunately, grandpa had to drive back home this morning. We miss him so much already. I know I have said this before, but we are so thankful we have TWO sets of grandparents that are willing to travel our way (even in the winter!). It truly means the world to us.

Thanks for stopping by the blog today and have a great week! Stay warm!!


4 People reacted on this

  1. πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Άβ„️❄️❄️love reading about all the snow fun!!! πŸ₯°

  2. I Love your blogs, I feel like uncle Rocky and I are right there with you guys. So so Happy that you guys are where you are meant to be and enjoying your time exploring !!

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