Mim and Papa’s Visit: Photos with Captions

Annie October 18, 2023 Comments4

Hey there! I finally got around to highlighting our time spent with my parents when they were here. It was five full days of fun so lots to blog about at once. That’s why I decided to keep things easy with photos and captions from each day.

Thanks for reading and enjoy a wonderful day!

Thursday 9/28

Friday 9/29

Saturday 9/30

We did go out for a delicious breakfast at Pegtown Station but I forgot to snap pics!

Sunday 10/1

Monday 10/2

Tuesday 10/3

My parents left early Wednesday morning right after we left for school. We always feel sad and empty when they leave knowing it will be weeks before we see them again. However, Thanksgiving will be here before we know it and I can’t wait to go home to Ohio for the holidays!


4 People reacted on this

  1. i love the time with family and all these pictures are perfect! so fun to read about all the neat things you do up north! the turquoise colors in the lake are beautiful!

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