Owen Turns 4!

Annie February 27, 2023 Comments1

Birthdays are always bittersweet for me. Of course, I love celebrating the day they’re born with traditions, outings, parties, etc. However, I can’t help but get a little sad that another year has gone by so quickly. A few months ago, it hit me really hard that I am more than likely done with the baby and toddler years. That is pretty much all my life has been the past decade: growing babies inside me, breastfeeding, cleaning bottles, stroller walks, rocking little ones to sleep…It’s very hard to close that chapter of life. But we have started a new chapter and I can already tell it’s going to be a really good one. Now that the boys are getting a little older, we can adventure more and try new things in life. It’s very exciting!

I sure do miss those newborn snuggles

Owen is my youngest though, so it is hardest watching him grow up. I know I baby him and probably always will, but that is just how it goes for the youngest, right? I absolutely loved year three with Owen. He’s really coming into his own and watching him transition from toddler to a little preschooler has been an absolute joy. We still get some tastes of those toddler tantrums and Owen can be quite feisty. However, he has this really sweet, loving side to him that melts my heart each day. Owen had a bit of a rough start beginning preschool, but he has come so far. He’s made friends, gained confidence, and learns new things all the time. While it’s hard to see his dependence on me diminish a little each day, I am proud of his bravery and determination in life.

Owen woke up on Sunday morning a very happy and excited four-year-old. Of course, he wanted to open presents right away so that’s just what we did. The top two gifts he asked for: Hairy Slime and werewolf toys. So random! I’ve always been adamant about no slime in the house but how can I turn that face down? And it’s really not that bad. I actually like playing with it ha-ha. We’re not sure where this fascination for werewolves came from but he loves them for whatever reason! Owen also watched Jurassic Park at like age 2, he watches Goosebumps with Lucas, so nothing scary phases him. He’s our Halloween boy!

After presents, we enjoyed bacon and cinnamon rolls for breakfast (Owen’s request). The rest of the morning Owen played with his new toys and we Face Timed with grandparents.

Owen asked to go sledding on his birthday and it was the perfect winter day for it: lots of snow and sun! We got dressed in all our gear and headed out to Sutton’s Bay for an afternoon of sledding and ice skating.

This was our first time sledding at Bahle Park, so it took us a minute to find as it was tucked back on a dead-end road. We had to walk a little way in the woods to get to the hill. It was pretty high! Lucas went down first, and he just flew down. Next, it was Owen’s turn and the poor kid ended up wiping out at the bottom! I went down with him on his next run, and totally got why he wiped out–the hill is super-fast! We were a sight to watch, I’m sure. After some more runs, the boys were getting tired walking back up the hill, so we decided to pack things up and head to the ice rink.

Originally, Owen said he wanted to go ice skating but once we got there, he completely changed his mind. He ended up just playing at the picnic table with his new werewolf toys while the rest of us hit the ice. We played some ice hockey together for a while then decided it was time to get something to eat.

We drove down to Streetside Grille in Sutton’s Bay for an early dinner. The California flatbread was delicious!

After lunch, we took M-22 home, and the bay was just so beautiful I told Ryan we had to stop. He pulled off to a boat launch to park. We walked around the shoreline and did a little rock hunting.

Once we got home, Ryan noticed the neighbor getting ready to ice fish so naturally he and the boys joined him on the lake. That meant mommy got to enjoy some quiet time to herself. I read for a little bit by the fire (I recently started The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo). Once they came inside, it was time for cake! We Face Timed “Happy Birthday” with my parents, brother, sister-in-law, and niece. Owen was singing along soaking it all up.

After cake and ice cream, we were all ready for bed. It was a very fun-filled day celebrating our four-year-old! I hope year four goes nice and slow. I am trying so hard to slow down and cherish it all.

Have a great week everyone!!


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