Spring Break: Three Photos Per Day

Annie April 5, 2023 Comments0

Hi all! I have been a little MIA as we were in Ohio for spring break. Also, the day after we got home, I unfortunately came down with food poisoning. That is just awful, by the way! We were gone almost ten days, so it’s a lot to blog about at once. I decided to share three photos per day and a brief summary of what we did that day. I hope everyone is having a good week so far!


We hit the road right after picking Drew up from school. The boys were very excited! On the way, we stopped for dinner at Lansing Brewing Company. I ordered the “Unburger” and it was delicious. We arrived at my parents’ house around 9pm, unpacked the van and went to bed soon after. It always feels good to come home.


Saturday, I got my nails done for the first time in forever. I also did a little solo shopping at Fallen Timbers while waiting for my appointment. It is a rare occurrence for me to browse a shopping mall by myself! It was almost nostaligc being in the American Eagle fitting room.

That evening, we headed over to my brother’s house for a family party. Aunt Tiffany is the ‘hostess with the mostess’, so of course my boys had an awesome time hunting for loads of Easter eggs, playing video games, and eating all the yummy food. Owen was extra thrilled to get a belated birthday present, too!


On Sunday, we celebrated Easter with the McCarthy family. The boys always love seeing their McCarthy cousins, Paige and Harrison. Grandpa and Grandma filled lots of eggs and thankfully the weather was nice enough for an egg hunt outside. Owen received a stuffed werewolf named Walter and now has a new bff. Dinner was wonderful and grandma had a fun game planned for the kiddos. We’re forever appreciative of grandparents who make such special holiday memories for our boys.


On Monday, the weather wasn’t ideal, so we took the boys for an outing at Bass Pro Shops. After that, we headed downtown to visit Ryan’s former Toledo project, the Glass City Metropark. We ventured out on the new walkway along the river. Andrew was not sure of that bridge, but he did it! We also checked out the new playground (a tall, unique structure and still under construction) and drove by the new ice rink, too. Glass City Metropark is definitely one of the best parks in Toledo and Ryan takes some pride in that!

It was pretty chilly, so we decided to take a visit to the Main Library. This was another of Ryan’s Toledo projects, so it’s always special to go back and see daddy’s hard work, especially the Saloff’s Children’s Library downtown. It’s the best children’s library I’ve ever been to.

We met Ryan’s parents for an early dinner at Condado. The margs and tacos were delicious, and we always enjoy their company. We don’t take that quality time for granted and it’s the main reason we decided on Ohio for spring break.


On Tuesday, we visited another Metropark, Oak Openings. Ryan’s parents met us and we spent a few hours chatting and playing with the boys at the playground. Lucas naturally met some new friends, and the boys burned off lots of energy. We decided to get lunch at Local Tyme and it happened to be happy hour, so that worked out nicely! That evening, Ryan, Lucas, and I played a few games of Yahtzee and gave the boys some much needed baths.


Wednesday brought another dreary day, but it didn’t stop us from visiting another Metropark. If you didn’t know, the Toledo Metropark system was rated the number one park district in America in 2020! We took a walk by the Maumee river at Side Cut. The boys were very excited to see a fisherman reel in a walleye! There were quite a few fishermen along the river and Lucas longed to join them.

I had plans to meet my girlfriends for dinner. I don’t see them as often anymore so it’s always great to catch up and get some girl time. Dinner at Souk was delicious and my after-dinner drink (pictured above) was the best espresso martini I have ever had. It was a highlight of the week for sure (seeing my friends but also the martini ha-ha!)


The sunshine came back on Thursday, so we ventured to the fifth Metropark of the week: Secor! We visited this park frequently while living in Ohio. The playground is awesome, the boys never want to leave. Afterward, we grabbed a rambunctious lunch (three boys in a restaurant usually is) at Rumors and visited with grandparents. Later that evening, Ryan and I met up with my brother and sister-in-law at 5th Street Pub in Perrysburg. It was my first time there and the pizza was excellent.


My parents arrived from Florida Thursday night, so they were ready for a fun day with the boys. The forecast originally called for rain all day, but it held off, so we made a trip to the Toledo Zoo! I really miss the zoo, as there isn’t one in Traverse City. The forecast must have scared some people away, because there was hardly anyone there. We were especially excited to see the new brown bear exhibit, Kodiak Ridge, and it did not disappoint! The boys got up close and personal with the bears, it was very cool.


On Saturday, we celebrated Easter with the Petrie side of the family! The boys had fun hunting for eggs and playing with their Columbus cousins. It was a really nice week in Ohio!

Now we are looking forward to Easter weekend. The weather is looking pretty nice, and I think spring is finally here! Yay!


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