The Last Official Weekend of Summer

Annie September 18, 2023 Comments0

Hi there! I hope your Monday is treating you well! I thought I would pop on and share a quick recap of our weekend. It was pretty low key, but we enjoyed lots of family time. This week is busy with soccer, First Reconciliation class, school picture day, and grandpa coming to visit! We are looking forward to that:)

Thanks for stopping today and have a great week!


Lucas and Owen would fish all weekend if we let them, and they pretty much did! Friday’s dinner was easy with frozen pizzas. The boys played soccer outside for a bit and asked Ryan about a million times if he would take them to Veronica Valley to fish. Being that awesome dad he is, he said yes;)

Owen has quite a knack for fishing and caught a few fish all on his own. Ryan caught a good sized one, too, but no luck for Lucas. He goes, “I do much better fishing in the morning.” That made Ryan and I chuckle. Ryan agreed to take them again in the morning.

Drew and I left first since he doesn’t like to fish as much as his brothers. We got comfy in our pjs and cuddled up to watch a movie (Toy Story 2 was Drew’s pick, no surprise there!).


We took full advantage of our last free Saturday before soccer games begin. This included sleeping in, cooking a hot breakfast, and staying in our pjs for most of the morning. Ryan did follow through and took Owen and Lucas fishing for a bit back at Veronica Valley. Lucas still didn’t catch anything, but Owen did! No competition at all though;) CORRECTION: Lucas caught SEVEN fish that morning! I guess he does do better in the morning hah!

On their way back, Ryan called me and asked if I was up for an afternoon in Glen Arbor. It’s one of my favorite towns up this way so of course I was! On the way there, we passed a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex sculpture. We had to stop and snap a few pictures. Owen was surprisingly scared of it! He typically loves all things scary so not sure where that came from! He did love the cute little bear sculpture though:)

This dinosaur sculpture was pretty impressive! You can read all about Gilbert, the T-Rex, here!

The agenda for the boys and daddy was fishing at the Crystal River. Ryan dropped me off in town for a little bit of “me” time while they fished. I visited a few of my favorite stores, one being The Cottage Book Shop. My mom purchased a mug there last time that I regretted not buying myself, so I made sure to grab it this time around!

We made it home just in time for the Buckeye game. I got some chores done around the house and made these delicious ham sliders. After the game, the boys begged to go fishing yet again so off we went to Cedar Lake this time! It’s a short hike to a dock that overlooks the water. This time we packed mommy’s pole, so I got to join in on the fun. Naturally, the only person to catch a fish was Owen. He has the smallest, cheapest rod but the best luck! Or maybe it’s skill?!

The cotton candy sky that evening was worth capturing.


We like to enjoy a slow Sunday and attend 1pm Mass. Ryan cooked up bacon and eggs for breakfast. I enjoyed coffee in my new mug. After Mass, we ran a few quick errands then headed to Jack’s Landing at the Boardman River for an afternoon hike.

Of course, the boys had to take a few casts. We have done this hike a couple of times now, but this was the first time without Nala. It made us really miss her and I when I took this picture (below left) I could see her in it. I went back and looked at photos and found one at almost the exact same spot with her in it.

We hiked to the “Magical Forest” that the boys like to call it where I took some video, but no still photos unfortunately. Here is one of Nala in it back in June. Boy, do I miss her.

Owen picked me a flower which I always love. The boys spent some time looking for frogs near the bridge. They didn’t find one but did end up finding a toad near the end of our hike. It jumped out of Lucas’s hand before I could snap a picture.

After our hike, we were all thirsty, so we grabbed some smoothies from Tropical Smoothie Cafe. I tried one of their featured season flavors, “Mango Berry Cosmo” and it was SO good. While enjoying our treats, we drove downtown and stopped at the Boardman River Fish Weir. Lucas pointed out that the salmon looked like baby sharks with their fins sticking out. We spent a few minutes watching, then headed home to prepare for the week ahead. It was a nice weekend!


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