Weekend Recap

Annie June 5, 2023 Comments0

Hello! How was your weekend? I hope you found some time for fun and relaxation like we did. We were also quite productive tackling some outdoor projects like power washing and cleaning out our beach. Keep scrolling to read our weekend recap. Thanks for stopping by!


We kicked off our weekend with our first ride on the pontoon boat! Our boat is pretty old and doesn’t go very fast, but we LOVE getting out on the water as a family. I prepared a platter of snacks, and we packed the big tube for some fun. Nala joined us too!

The boys and Ryan got in (a little too cold for mom) and they had a blast in the tube. We actually anchored in a shallow area and hung out for a while listening to the “Life’s a Beach” station on Pandora. It was a great time!

Friday’s Sunset


Our Saturday got rolling early with a soccer game in Northport, about a half hour drive north of us. Northport is a quaint little town that seems to be growing like most towns up this way. While we didn’t win our soccer game, the boys still had fun playing and Lucas was SO close to scoring goals. Honestly, it was a little painful to watch. He was a good sport about it though!

After the game, we headed into town to get some breakfast. We decided on New Bohemian Cafe. It’s a cute little place that serves breakfast sandwiches and a wide variety of coffee drinks. I ordered the “Murphette” sandwich and the Vanilla Cinnamon latte. Both were really good! We ate outside on their patio. The boys were wound up as usual and thankfully the table nearby didn’t mind. They met her dog “Sugar” (a little chihuahua) which they got a kick out of. Owen also brought Walter, his stuffed werewolf, along.

After breakfast, we decided to walk around some of the stores. The first store had mostly t-shirts, but Owen did find a little dinosaur car he just had to have. He was without his wallet and asked Lucas to borrow some money ha-a. Mom ended up paying, surprise, surprise! Owen is definitely our spender and Lucas our saver. In the next store, Owen found a hat he wanted with a wolf and a wolf book at the used bookstore. Owen really made out on our little shopping venture and is clearly the baby of the family;)

The rest of Saturday was spent doing chores around the house while the boys played. Late afternoon, we took the boat out again for a cruise around the lake. We didn’t anchor this time and simply enjoyed a slow ride looking at all the cottages. Ryan and I chatted while the boys pretended all the nearby boats were pirates.

Shortly after we docked, Ryan grilled up some hot dogs and brats for dinner and we ate our meal outside. After dinner, we tuned into the livestream of my niece’s dance recital. The boys and I watched two of her numbers and I’m always blown away by her performances and presence on stage. In years past, I attended her recitals in person so it’s hard to not be there. Thankful for technology so I don’t have to miss it completely!


On Sunday, I woke up early before everyone else so spent a little time reading. I just started The Bodyguard by Katherine Center and so far, it’s pretty good! It’s reading like a rom com movie of the 90s which is fun and refreshing. I also enjoyed a slow cup of coffee outside. Owen noticed a mayfly and had to show it to me. Mayfly season is one my least favorite things about the lake (a couple years ago we had a swarm in our bedroom, no joke!) but Owen has such a fascination with insects. It was cute listening to him tell me all about it.

Flashback to the Mayfly Nightmare!!

The lake looked so calm and peaceful like it was asking for a kayak ride. I took Owen out for a bit. I enjoy kayaking because you can paddle at your own pace and just absorb the beauty of your surroundings. It relieves stress and is also a fun way to get some exercise!

Breakfast was also enjoyed outside. We made some egg and bacon sandwiches that the boys devoured! It always amazes me how much food they can put back!

Ryan spent most of the afternoon power washing our decks and the boys swam in the lake for hours. It has been sunny and warm for days and we are soaking that Vitamin D up!

Ryan finally finished power washing and we decided to end our weekend with a beach trip. We packed the necessities and headed to Greilickville Harbor Park. Ryan took a kayak out in the bay for a bit while the boys played in the sand, water, and at the playground.

It was a good weekend from start to finish and I’m feeling ready for the final full week of school for the boys before summer break! I hope you all have a wonderful week!


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