Weekend with Grandpa

Annie September 16, 2024 Comments3

Another weekend here and gone! Why do they have to go so fast? Friday kicked off with Lucas and Drew’s first soccer practice. Ryan is coaching again, and I know he was excited to get his team together for the first time! Grandpa met us at the fields, and we decided to get some ice cream after a hot, sweaty practice. Who doesn’t love ice cream before dinner? We did grab some pizza on the way home and hung out the rest of the night. The boys watched a movie with Dad and Grandpa, but I opted for my bed and book.


All three boys had games Saturday morning in Suttons Bay. Grandpa kindly cooked us a hot breakfast of bacon and eggs:) Then we jerseyed up and headed out the door!

Owen wasn’t super excited about playing a game at first but once he was out on that field, I could tell he was into it! He ran after the ball and did a great job defending his team’s goal (although, they don’t really keep score). This age is pretty darn cute to watch! I am hesitant to share photos since other kids’ faces are in them, but I did get some great action shots! After the game he said, “That was so much fun! I wish I could score a goal like Lucas. That would be so cool.” Maybe next week buddy! I think he especially liked the donut after the game haha.

Drew and Lucas won their game! Lucas scored two goals, and Drew made an effort to go after the ball too. Proud of my little soccer boys!

After soccer we headed home to rest for a bit, then decided to take advantage of the beautiful day and get out on the water. We loaded up the kayaks and headed to Northport to kayak Kehl Lake. We left the fishing things behind and just paddled around. The lake isn’t very big, but we were the only ones out there which made it extra enjoyable.

We ventured to the beach across the way where of course Owen caught two toads within minutes. We also spotted a bald eagle perched in a tree.

After exploring a bit more we decided to head out into town for something to drink. We stumbled upon a new place that opened this summer, Yard & Lake. It was a super cute spot! My honey lavender lemonade tasted delicious. They also had a “secret toy room” that naturally the boys loved.

We also made a stop at Mitten Brewing Co. I opted for the sangria which was very good. Andrew sucked down that juice box in about .2 seconds!

Everyone was getting pretty hungry, so we decided to head back home and find a place for dinner on the way. Of course, we ended up at Hop Lot! It’s just the best place to go when you have kids. I snapped a photo of my beer and Grandpa took one of us eating haha. They have a giant sandpit for kids, that’s why Owen’s shoes are on the bench and not his feet!

Saturday night was a repeat of Friday night where the boys watched a movie, and I read my book;)


Lucas had two bcak to back travel games scheduled on Sunday morning. They lost the first one buy boy did they play their little hearts out! Lucas had a goal too! They came back 2-3 after being down 0-3. We couldn’t get the rally but still so proud! They did win game two, so we left feeling pretty good. Lucas’s passion for the sport continues to grow and I love to see it out on the field. Soccer is definitely one of his gifts!

The rest of day we took it easy at the lake. The boys fished and we all swam. I read my book a little too. Not complaining at all that it still feels like summer!!

While I prepped dinner, grandpa took the boys to Veronica Valley. They did their usual frog hunting and exploring that they love to do there. Also cooled off with a drink fresh from the spicket ha-ha.

We enjoyed burgers on the grill for dinner and I made some apple crisp served with vanilla ice cream for dessert. One our teammate’s grandpa passed out handfuls of fresh apples after the game. I decided to bake some apple crisp! Delicious!

As for the week head, it should be pretty typical with school and soccer. It looks like the gorgeous weather is here to stay for a bit so hopefully we’ll take advantage of that. I hope you have a wonderful week!


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